

Sequential object-oriented simPlex

SPxLPBase< R > Member List

This is the complete list of members for SPxLPBase< R >, including all inherited members.

soplex::add(const LPRowBase< R > &row)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::add(DataKey &pkey, const LPRowBase< R > &prow)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::add(const R &plhs, const SVectorBase< R > &prowVector, const R &prhs, const R &pobj=0)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::add(const S *lhsValue, const S *rowValues, const int *rowIndices, int rowSize, const S *rhsValue, const S *objValue=0)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::add(DataKey &newkey, const S *lhsValue, const S *rowValues, const int *rowIndices, int rowSize, const S *rhsValue, const S *objValue=0)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::add(DataKey &newkey, const R &newlhs, const SVectorBase< R > &newrowVector, const R &newrhs, const R &newobj=0)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::add(const LPRowSetBase< R > &newset)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::add(DataKey keys[], const LPRowSetBase< R > &set)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(const SVectorBase< R > &svec)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(DataKey &nkey, const SVectorBase< R > &svec)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(DataKey &nkey, const S *rowValues, const int *rowIndices, int rowSize)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(const SVectorBase< R > svec[], int n)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(DataKey nkey[], const SVectorBase< R > svec[], int n)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(const SVSetBase< S > &pset)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(DataKey nkey[], const SVSetBase< S > &pset)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::add(const LPColBase< R > &pcol)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::add(DataKey &pkey, const LPColBase< R > &pcol)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::add(const R &pobj, const R &plower, const SVectorBase< R > &pcolVector, const R &pupper)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::add(DataKey &newkey, const R &obj, const R &newlower, const SVectorBase< R > &newcolVector, const R &newupper)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::add(const S *obj, const S *lowerValue, const S *colValues, const int *colIndices, int colSize, const S *upperValue)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::add(DataKey &newkey, const S *objValue, const S *lowerValue, const S *colValues, const int *colIndices, int colSize, const S *upperValue)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::add(const LPColSetBase< R > &newset)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::add(DataKey keys[], const LPColSetBase< R > &newset)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(const SVectorBase< R > &svec)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(DataKey &nkey, const SVectorBase< R > &svec)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(DataKey &nkey, const S *rowValues, const int *rowIndices, int rowSize)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(const SVectorBase< R > svec[], int n)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(DataKey nkey[], const SVectorBase< R > svec[], int n)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(const SVSetBase< S > &pset)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add(DataKey nkey[], const SVSetBase< S > &pset)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::add2(const DataKey &k, int n, const int idx[], const R val[])LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::add2(int i, int n, const int idx[], const R val[])LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::add2(int i, int n, const int idx[], const S val[])LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add2(SVectorBase< R > &svec, int idx, R val)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add2(SVectorBase< R > &svec, int n, const int idx[], const R val[])SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add2(SVectorBase< R > &svec, int n, const int idx[], const S val[])SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::add2(const DataKey &k, int n, const int idx[], const R val[])LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::add2(int i, int n, const int idx[], const R val[])LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::add2(int i, int n, const int idx[], const S val[])LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add2(SVectorBase< R > &svec, int idx, R val)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add2(SVectorBase< R > &svec, int n, const int idx[], const R val[])SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::add2(SVectorBase< R > &svec, int n, const int idx[], const S val[])SVSetBase< R >protected
addCol(const LPColBase< R > &col)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
addCol(const R &objValue, const R &lowerValue, const SVectorBase< R > &colVec, const R &upperValue)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
addCol(const S *objValue, const S *lowerValue, const S *colValues, const int *colIndices, int colSize, const S *upperValue)SPxLPBase< R >
addCol(SPxColId &id, const LPColBase< R > &col)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
addCols(const LPColSetBase< R > &pset)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
addCols(const S *objValue, const S *lowerValues, const S *colValues, const int *colIndices, const int *colStarts, const int *colLengths, const int numCols, const int numValues, const S *upperValues)SPxLPBase< R >
addCols(SPxColId id[], const LPColSetBase< R > &set)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
addDualActivity(const SVectorBase< R > &dual, VectorBase< R > &activity) const SPxLPBase< R >virtual
added2Set(SVSetBase< R > &set, const SVSetBase< R > &addset, int n)SPxLPBase< R >protected
addedCols(int)SPxLPBase< R >protectedvirtual
addedRows(int)SPxLPBase< R >protectedvirtual
addPrimalActivity(const SVectorBase< R > &primal, VectorBase< R > &activity) const SPxLPBase< R >virtual
addRow(const LPRowBase< R > &row)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
addRow(const R &lhsValue, const SVectorBase< R > &rowVec, const R &rhsValue)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
addRow(const S *lhsValue, const S *rowValues, const int *rowIndices, int rowSize, const S *rhsValue)SPxLPBase< R >
addRow(SPxRowId &id, const LPRowBase< R > &row)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
addRows(const LPRowSetBase< R > &pset)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
addRows(const S *lhsValues, const S *rowValues, const int *rowIndices, const int *rowStarts, const int *rowLengths, const int numRows, const int numValues, const S *rhsValues)SPxLPBase< R >
addRows(SPxRowId id[], const LPRowSetBase< R > &set)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
soplex::append(const Nonzero< R > &t)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::append(int n, const Nonzero< R > t[])ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::append(const ClassArray< Nonzero< R > > &t)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::append(const Nonzero< R > &t)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::append(int n, const Nonzero< R > t[])ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::append(const ClassArray< Nonzero< R > > &t)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
changeBounds(const VectorBase< R > &newLower, const VectorBase< R > &newUpper)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeBounds(int i, const R &newLower, const R &newUpper)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeBounds(int i, const S *newLower, const S *newUpper)SPxLPBase< R >
changeBounds(SPxColId id, const R &newLower, const R &newUpper)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeCol(int n, const LPColBase< R > &newCol)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeCol(SPxColId id, const LPColBase< R > &newCol)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeElement(int i, int j, const R &val)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeElement(int i, int j, const S *val)SPxLPBase< R >
changeElement(SPxRowId rid, SPxColId cid, const R &val)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeLhs(const VectorBase< R > &newLhs)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeLhs(int i, const R &newLhs)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeLhs(int i, const S *newLhs)SPxLPBase< R >
changeLhs(SPxRowId id, const R &newLhs)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeLower(const VectorBase< R > &newLower)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeLower(int i, const R &newLower)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeLower(int i, const S *newLower)SPxLPBase< R >
changeLower(SPxColId id, const R &newLower)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeMaxObj(const VectorBase< R > &newObj)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeMaxObj(int i, const R &newVal)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeMaxObj(int i, const S *newVal)SPxLPBase< R >
changeMaxObj(SPxColId id, const R &newVal)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeObj(const VectorBase< R > &newObj)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeObj(int i, const R &newVal)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeObj(int i, const S *newVal)SPxLPBase< R >
changeObj(SPxColId id, const R &newVal)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeObjOffset(const R &o)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeRange(const VectorBase< R > &newLhs, const VectorBase< R > &newRhs)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeRange(int i, const R &newLhs, const R &newRhs)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeRange(int i, const S *newLhs, const S *newRhs)SPxLPBase< R >
changeRange(SPxRowId id, const R &newLhs, const R &newRhs)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeRhs(const VectorBase< R > &newRhs)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeRhs(int i, const R &newRhs)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeRhs(SPxRowId id, const R &newRhs)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeRow(int n, const LPRowBase< R > &newRow)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeRow(SPxRowId id, const LPRowBase< R > &newRow)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeRowObj(const VectorBase< R > &newRowObj)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeRowObj(int i, const R &newRowObj)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeRowObj(SPxRowId id, const R &newRowObj)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeSense(SPxSense sns)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeUpper(const VectorBase< R > &newUpper)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeUpper(int i, const R &newUpper)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
changeUpper(int i, const S *newUpper)SPxLPBase< R >
changeUpper(SPxColId id, const R &newUpper)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
cId(int n) const SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::ClassArray(const ClassArray &old)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::ClassArray(int p_size=0, int p_max=0, double p_fac=1.2)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >explicitprotected
soplex::LPColSetBase::ClassArray(const ClassArray &old)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::ClassArray(int p_size=0, int p_max=0, double p_fac=1.2)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >explicitprotected
clear()SPxLPBase< R >virtual
soplex::SVSetBase::clear(int minNewSize=-1)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::clear(int minNewSize=-1)SVSetBase< R >protected
clearRowObjs()SPxLPBase< R >virtual
colSet() const LPColSetBase< R >protected
colVector(int i) const SPxLPBase< R >
colVector(const SPxColId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::LPColSetBase::colVector(const DataKey &k) const LPColSetBase< R >protected
colVector_w(int i)SPxLPBase< R >private
soplex::LPColSetBase::colVector_w(const DataKey &k)LPColSetBase< R >protected
computeDualActivity(const VectorBase< R > &dual, VectorBase< R > &activity) const SPxLPBase< R >virtual
computePrimalActivity(const VectorBase< R > &primal, VectorBase< R > &activity) const SPxLPBase< R >virtual
soplex::create(int pnonzeros=0, const R &plhs=0, const R &prhs=1, const R &pobj=0)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::create(DataKey &newkey, int nonzeros=0, const R &newlhs=0, const R &newrhs=1, const R &newobj=0)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::create(int idxmax=0)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::create(DataKey &nkey, int idxmax=-1)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::create(int pnonzeros=0, const R &pobj=1, const R &plw=0, const R &pupp=1)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::create(DataKey &newkey, int nonzeros=0, const R &obj=1, const R &newlow=0, const R &newup=1)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::create(int idxmax=0)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::create(DataKey &nkey, int idxmax=-1)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::dataClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::dataClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
doAddCol(const LPColBase< R > &col)SPxLPBase< R >private
doAddCol(const R &objValue, const R &lowerValue, const SVectorBase< R > &colVec, const R &upperValue)SPxLPBase< R >private
doAddCols(const LPColSetBase< R > &set)SPxLPBase< R >private
doAddRow(const LPRowBase< R > &row)SPxLPBase< R >private
doAddRow(const R &lhsValue, const SVectorBase< R > &rowVec, const R &rhsValue)SPxLPBase< R >private
doAddRows(const LPRowSetBase< R > &set)SPxLPBase< R >private
doRemoveCol(int j)SPxLPBase< R >protectedvirtual
doRemoveCols(int perm[])SPxLPBase< R >protectedvirtual
doRemoveRow(int j)SPxLPBase< R >protectedvirtual
doRemoveRows(int perm[])SPxLPBase< R >protectedvirtual
soplex::get_const_ptr() constClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::get_const_ptr() constClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::get_ptr()ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::get_ptr()ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
getCol(int i, LPColBase< R > &col) const SPxLPBase< R >
getCol(const SPxColId &id, LPColBase< R > &col) const SPxLPBase< R >
getCols(int start, int end, LPColSetBase< R > &set) const SPxLPBase< R >
getObj(VectorBase< R > &pobj) const SPxLPBase< R >
getRow(int i, LPRowBase< R > &row) const SPxLPBase< R >
getRow(const SPxRowId &id, LPRowBase< R > &row) const SPxLPBase< R >
getRowObj(VectorBase< R > &prowobj) const SPxLPBase< R >
getRows(int start, int end, LPRowSetBase< R > &set) const SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::has(const DataKey &k) const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::has(int n) const SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::has(const SVectorBase< R > *svec) const SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::has(const DataKey &k) const LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::has(int n) const SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::has(const SVectorBase< R > *svec) const SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::insert(int i, int n)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::insert(int i, int n, const Nonzero< R > t[])ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::insert(int i, const ClassArray< Nonzero< R > > &t)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::insert(int i, int n)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::insert(int i, int n, const Nonzero< R > t[])ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::insert(int i, const ClassArray< Nonzero< R > > &t)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
isConsistent() const SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::key(int i) const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::key(const SVectorBase< R > *svec) const SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::key(int i) const LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::key(const SVectorBase< R > *svec) const SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::last()ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::last() constClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::last()ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::last() constClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
lhs() const SPxLPBase< R >
lhs(int i) const SPxLPBase< R >
lhs(const SPxRowId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::LPRowSetBase::lhs(const DataKey &k) const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
lhs_w(int i)SPxLPBase< R >protected
soplex::LPRowSetBase::lhs_w()LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPRowSetBase::lhs_w(const DataKey &k)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
lower() const SPxLPBase< R >
lower(int i) const SPxLPBase< R >
lower(const SPxColId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::LPColSetBase::lower(const DataKey &k) const LPColSetBase< R >protected
lower_w(int i)SPxLPBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::lower_w()LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::lower_w(const DataKey &k)LPColSetBase< R >protected
lpcolset() const SPxLPBase< R >protected
LPColSetBase(int pmax=-1, int pmemmax=-1)LPColSetBase< R >explicitprotected
LPColSetBase(const LPColSetBase< R > &rs)LPColSetBase< R >protected
LPColSetBase(const LPColSetBase< S > &rs)LPColSetBase< R >protected
lprowset() const SPxLPBase< R >protected
LPRowSetBase(int pmax=-1, int pmemmax=-1)LPRowSetBase< R >explicitprotected
LPRowSetBase(const LPRowSetBase< R > &rs)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
LPRowSetBase(const LPRowSetBase< S > &rs)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::max() const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::max() const LPColSetBase< R >protected
maxAbsNzo() const SPxLPBase< R >
MAXIMIZE enum valueSPxLPBase< R >
maxObj() const SPxLPBase< R >
maxObj(int i) const SPxLPBase< R >
maxObj(const SPxColId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::LPColSetBase::maxObj(const DataKey &k) const LPColSetBase< R >protected
maxObj_w(int i)SPxLPBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::maxObj_w()LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::maxObj_w(const DataKey &k)LPColSetBase< R >protected
maxRowObj() const SPxLPBase< R >
maxRowObj(int i) const SPxLPBase< R >
maxRowObj(const SPxRowId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
maxRowObj_w(int i)SPxLPBase< R >protected
soplex::memFactorClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::memFactorClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::memMax() const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::memMax() const LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::memPack()LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::memPack()LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::memRemax(int newmax)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::memRemax(int newmax)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::memSize() const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::memSize() const LPColSetBase< R >protected
minAbsNzo() const SPxLPBase< R >
MINIMIZE enum valueSPxLPBase< R >
nCols() const SPxLPBase< R >
nNzos() const SPxLPBase< R >
nRows() const SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::num() const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::num() const LPColSetBase< R >protected
number(const SPxRowId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
number(const SPxColId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
number(const SPxId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::LPRowSetBase::number(const DataKey &k) const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::number(const SVectorBase< R > *svec) const SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::number(const DataKey &k) const LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::number(const SVectorBase< R > *svec) const SVSetBase< R >protected
obj(int i) const SPxLPBase< R >
obj(const SPxColId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::LPRowSetBase::obj() const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPRowSetBase::obj(const DataKey &k) const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
obj_w()LPRowSetBase< R >protected
obj_w(int i)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
obj_w(const DataKey &k)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
objOffset() const SPxLPBase< R >
offsetSPxLPBase< R >private
operator=(const SPxLPBase< R > &old)SPxLPBase< R >
operator=(const SPxLPBase< S > &old)SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::LPRowSetBase::operator=(const LPRowSetBase< R > &rs)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPRowSetBase::operator=(const LPRowSetBase< S > &rs)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::operator=(const SVSetBase< R > &rhs)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::operator=(const SVSetBase< S > &rhs)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >::operator=(const ClassArray &rhs)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::operator=(const LPColSetBase< R > &rs)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::operator=(const LPColSetBase< S > &rs)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::operator=(const SVSetBase< R > &rhs)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::operator=(const SVSetBase< S > &rhs)SVSetBase< R >protected
ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >::operator=(const ClassArray &rhs)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::operator[](int n)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::operator[](int n) const SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::operator[](const DataKey &k)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::operator[](const DataKey &k) const SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::operator[](int n)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::operator[](int n) const SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::operator[](const DataKey &k)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::operator[](const DataKey &k) const SVSetBase< R >protected
printProblemStatistics(std::ostream &os)SPxLPBase< R >
read(std::istream &in, NameSet *rowNames=0, NameSet *colNames=0, DIdxSet *intVars=0)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
readFile(const char *filename, NameSet *rowNames=0, NameSet *colNames=0, DIdxSet *intVars=0)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
readLPF(std::istream &in, NameSet *rowNames=0, NameSet *colNames=0, DIdxSet *intVars=0)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
readLPF(std::istream &p_input, NameSet *p_rnames, NameSet *p_cnames, DIdxSet *p_intvars)SPxLPBase< R >
readLPF(std::istream &p_input, NameSet *p_rnames, NameSet *p_cnames, DIdxSet *p_intvars)SPxLPBase< R >
readMPS(std::istream &in, NameSet *rowNames=0, NameSet *colNames=0, DIdxSet *intVars=0)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
readMPS(std::istream &p_input, NameSet *p_rnames, NameSet *p_cnames, DIdxSet *p_intvars)SPxLPBase< R >
readMPS(std::istream &p_input, NameSet *p_rnames, NameSet *p_cnames, DIdxSet *p_intvars)SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::reMax(int newmax=0)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >::reMax(int newMax=1, int newSize=-1)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::reMax(int newmax=0)LPColSetBase< R >protected
ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >::reMax(int newMax=1, int newSize=-1)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::remove(int i)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::remove(const DataKey &k)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::remove(int perm[])LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::remove(const int nums[], int n)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::remove(const int nums[], int n, int *perm)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::remove(const SVectorBase< R > *svec)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::remove(const DataKey keys[], int n)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::remove(const DataKey keys[], int n, int *perm)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >::remove(int n=0, int m=1)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::remove(int i)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::remove(const DataKey &k)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::remove(int perm[])LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::remove(const int nums[], int n)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::remove(const int nums[], int n, int *perm)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::remove(const SVectorBase< R > *svec)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::remove(const DataKey keys[], int n)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::remove(const DataKey keys[], int n, int *perm)SVSetBase< R >protected
ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >::remove(int n=0, int m=1)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
removeCol(int i)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
removeCol(SPxColId id)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
removeColRange(int start, int end, int perm[]=0)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
removeCols(int perm[])SPxLPBase< R >virtual
removeCols(SPxColId id[], int n, int perm[]=0)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
removeCols(int nums[], int n, int perm[]=0)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
soplex::removeLast(int m=1)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::removeLast(int m=1)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
removeRow(int i)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
removeRow(SPxRowId id)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
removeRowRange(int start, int end, int perm[]=0)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
removeRows(int perm[])SPxLPBase< R >virtual
removeRows(SPxRowId id[], int n, int perm[]=0)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
removeRows(int nums[], int n, int perm[]=0)SPxLPBase< R >virtual
soplex::reSize(int newsize)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::reSize(int newsize)ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
rhs() const SPxLPBase< R >
rhs(int i) const SPxLPBase< R >
rhs(const SPxRowId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::LPRowSetBase::rhs(const DataKey &k) const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
rhs_w(int i)SPxLPBase< R >protected
soplex::LPRowSetBase::rhs_w()LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPRowSetBase::rhs_w(const DataKey &k)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
rId(int n) const SPxLPBase< R >
rowObj(int i) const SPxLPBase< R >
rowObj(const SPxRowId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
rowSet() const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
rowType(int i) const SPxLPBase< R >
rowType(const SPxRowId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
rowVector(int i) const SPxLPBase< R >
rowVector(const SPxRowId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::LPRowSetBase::rowVector(const DataKey &k) const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
rowVector_w(int i)SPxLPBase< R >private
soplex::LPRowSetBase::rowVector_w(const DataKey &k)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
setOutstream(SPxOut &newOutstream)SPxLPBase< R >
setType(int i, typename LPRowBase< R >::Type t)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::size() constClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::size() constClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
SPxBasis classSPxLPBase< R >friend
SPxEquiliSC classSPxLPBase< R >friend
SPxGeometSC classSPxLPBase< R >friend
SPxLPBase classSPxLPBase< R >friend
SPxLPBase()SPxLPBase< R >
SPxLPBase(const SPxLPBase< R > &old)SPxLPBase< R >
SPxLPBase(const SPxLPBase< S > &old)SPxLPBase< R >
SPxMainSM classSPxLPBase< R >friend
spxoutSPxLPBase< R >
SPxScaler classSPxLPBase< R >friend
spxSense() const SPxLPBase< R >
SPxSense enum nameSPxLPBase< R >
subDualActivity(const VectorBase< R > &dual, VectorBase< R > &activity) const SPxLPBase< R >virtual
soplex::SVSetBase(int pmax=-1, int pmemmax=-1, double pfac=1.1, double pmemFac=1.2)SVSetBase< R >explicitprotected
soplex::SVSetBase(const SVSetBase< R > &old)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase(const SVSetBase< S > &old)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::SVSetBase(int pmax=-1, int pmemmax=-1, double pfac=1.1, double pmemFac=1.2)SVSetBase< R >explicitprotected
soplex::LPColSetBase::SVSetBase(const SVSetBase< R > &old)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::SVSetBase(const SVSetBase< S > &old)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::themaxClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::themaxClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
thesenseSPxLPBase< R >private
soplex::thesizeClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::thesizeClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protected
type(int i) const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
type(const DataKey &k) const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
upper() const SPxLPBase< R >
upper(int i) const SPxLPBase< R >
upper(const SPxColId &id) const SPxLPBase< R >
soplex::LPColSetBase::upper(const DataKey &k) const LPColSetBase< R >protected
upper_w(int i)SPxLPBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::upper_w()LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::upper_w(const DataKey &k)LPColSetBase< R >protected
value(int i) const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
value(const DataKey &k) const LPRowSetBase< R >protected
writeFile(const char *filename, const NameSet *rowNames=0, const NameSet *colNames=0, const DIdxSet *p_intvars=0) const SPxLPBase< R >virtual
writeLPF(std::ostream &out, const NameSet *rowNames, const NameSet *colNames, const DIdxSet *p_intvars=0) const SPxLPBase< R >virtual
writeLPF(std::ostream &p_output, const NameSet *p_rnames, const NameSet *p_cnames, const DIdxSet *p_intvars) constSPxLPBase< R >
writeLPF(std::ostream &p_output, const NameSet *p_rnames, const NameSet *p_cnames, const DIdxSet *p_intvars) constSPxLPBase< R >
writeMPS(std::ostream &out, const NameSet *rowNames, const NameSet *colNames, const DIdxSet *p_intvars=0) const SPxLPBase< R >virtual
writeMPS(std::ostream &p_output, const NameSet *p_rnames, const NameSet *p_cnames, const DIdxSet *p_intvars) constSPxLPBase< R >
writeMPS(std::ostream &p_output, const NameSet *p_rnames, const NameSet *p_cnames, const DIdxSet *p_intvars) constSPxLPBase< R >
soplex::xtend(int n, int newmax)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::xtend(const DataKey &pkey, int pnewmax)LPRowSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::xtend(SVectorBase< R > &svec, int newmax)SVSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::xtend(int n, int newmax)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::LPColSetBase::xtend(const DataKey &pkey, int pnewmax)LPColSetBase< R >protected
soplex::SVSetBase::xtend(SVectorBase< R > &svec, int newmax)SVSetBase< R >protected
~ClassArray()ClassArray< Nonzero< R > >protectedvirtual
~LPColSetBase()LPColSetBase< R >protectedvirtual
~LPRowSetBase()LPRowSetBase< R >protectedvirtual
~SPxLPBase()SPxLPBase< R >virtual
~SVSetBase()SVSetBase< R >protectedvirtual