

Sequential object-oriented simPlex

CLUFactor< R > Member List

This is the complete list of members for CLUFactor< R >, including all inherited members.

colCLUFactor< R >protected
colMemMultCLUFactor< R >protected
colSingletons()CLUFactor< R >private
diagCLUFactor< R >protected
dump() constCLUFactor< R >protected
eliminateColSingletons()CLUFactor< R >private
eliminateNucleus(const R eps, const R threshold)CLUFactor< R >private
eliminatePivot(int prow, int pos, R eps)CLUFactor< R >private
eliminateRowSingletons()CLUFactor< R >private
factor(const SVectorBase< R > **vec, R threshold, R eps)CLUFactor< R >protected
factorCountCLUFactor< R >protected
factorTimeCLUFactor< R >protected
forestMinColMem(int size)CLUFactor< R >private
forestPackColumns()CLUFactor< R >private
forestReMaxCol(int col, int len)CLUFactor< R >private
forestUpdate(int col, R *work, int num, int *nonz)CLUFactor< R >protected
freeFactorRings()CLUFactor< R >private
hugeValuesCLUFactor< R >protected
initFactorMatrix(const SVectorBase< R > **vec, const R eps)CLUFactor< R >private
initFactorRings()CLUFactor< R >private
initMaxabsCLUFactor< R >protected
initPerm()CLUFactor< R >private
isConsistent() constCLUFactor< R >protected
lCLUFactor< R >protected
lMemMultCLUFactor< R >protected
makeLvec(int p_len, int p_row)CLUFactor< R >private
maxabsCLUFactor< R >protected
minColMem(int size)CLUFactor< R >private
minLMem(int size)CLUFactor< R >private
minRowMem(int size)CLUFactor< R >private
nzCntCLUFactor< R >protected
packColumns()CLUFactor< R >private
packRows()CLUFactor< R >private
remaxCol(int p_col, int len)CLUFactor< R >private
remaxRow(int p_row, int len)CLUFactor< R >private
rowCLUFactor< R >protected
rowMemMultCLUFactor< R >protected
rowSingletons()CLUFactor< R >private
selectPivots(R threshold)CLUFactor< R >private
setPivot(const int p_stage, const int p_col, const int p_row, const R val)CLUFactor< R >private
setupColVals()CLUFactor< R >private
setupRowVals()CLUFactor< R >private
solveLeft(R *vec, R *rhs)CLUFactor< R >protected
solveLeft2(R *vec1, int *nonz, R *vec2, R eps, R *rhs1, R *rhs2)CLUFactor< R >protected
solveLeftEps(R *vec, R *rhs, int *nonz, R eps)CLUFactor< R >protected
solveLleft(R *vec) constCLUFactor< R >private
solveLleft(R eps, R *vec, int *nonz, int rn)CLUFactor< R >private
solveLleft2(R *vec1, int *, R *vec2, R)CLUFactor< R >private
solveLleft2forest(R *vec1, int *, R *vec2, R)CLUFactor< R >private
solveLleftEps(R *vec, int *nonz, R eps)CLUFactor< R >private
solveLleftForest(R *vec, int *, R)CLUFactor< R >private
solveLleftForest(R eps, R *vec, int *nonz, int n)CLUFactor< R >private
solveLleftForestNoNZ(R *vec)CLUFactor< R >private
solveLleftNoNZ(R *vec)CLUFactor< R >private
solveLright(R *vec)CLUFactor< R >protected
solveLright2(R *vec1, R *vec2)CLUFactor< R >private
solveRight(R *vec, R *rhs)CLUFactor< R >protected
solveRight2(R *vec1, R *vec2, R *rhs1, R *rhs2)CLUFactor< R >protected
solveRight2update(R *vec1, R *vec2, R *rhs1, R *rhs2, int *nonz, R eps, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)CLUFactor< R >protected
solveRight4update(R *vec, int *nonz, R eps, R *rhs, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)CLUFactor< R >protected
solveUleft(R *work, R *vec)CLUFactor< R >private
solveUleft(R eps, R *vec, int *vecidx, R *rhs, int *rhsidx, int rhsn)CLUFactor< R >private
solveUleft2(R *work1, R *vec1, R *work2, R *vec2)CLUFactor< R >private
solveUleftNoNZ(R eps, R *vec, R *rhs, int *rhsidx, int rhsn)CLUFactor< R >private
solveUpdateLeft(R *vec)CLUFactor< R >private
solveUpdateLeft(R eps, R *vec, int *nonz, int n)CLUFactor< R >private
solveUpdateLeft2(R *vec1, R *vec2)CLUFactor< R >private
solveUpdateRight(R *vec)CLUFactor< R >private
solveUpdateRight2(R *vec1, R *vec2)CLUFactor< R >private
solveUright(R *wrk, R *vec) constCLUFactor< R >private
solveUright2(R *work1, R *vec1, R *work2, R *vec2)CLUFactor< R >private
solveUright2eps(R *work1, R *vec1, R *work2, R *vec2, int *nonz, R eps)CLUFactor< R >private
solveUrightEps(R *vec, int *nonz, R eps, R *rhs)CLUFactor< R >private
statCLUFactor< R >protected
tempCLUFactor< R >private
thedimCLUFactor< R >protected
uCLUFactor< R >protected
update(int p_col, R *p_work, const int *p_idx, int num)CLUFactor< R >protected
updateNoClear(int p_col, const R *p_work, const int *p_idx, int num)CLUFactor< R >protected
updateRow(int r, int lv, int prow, int pcol, R pval, R eps)CLUFactor< R >private
updateSolutionVectorLright(R change, int j, R &vec, int *idx, int &nnz)CLUFactor< R >private
vSolveLeft(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn)CLUFactor< R >protected
vSolveLeft2(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R *vec2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int rn2)CLUFactor< R >protected
vSolveLeft2sparse(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int &rn, R *vec2, int *idx2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int &rn2)CLUFactor< R >protected
vSolveLeft3(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R *vec2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int rn2, R *vec3, R *rhs3, int *ridx3, int rn3)CLUFactor< R >protected
vSolveLeft3sparse(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int &rn, R *vec2, int *idx2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int &rn2, R *vec3, int *idx3, R *rhs3, int *ridx3, int &rn3)CLUFactor< R >protected
vSolveLeftNoNZ(R eps, R *vec, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn)CLUFactor< R >protected
vSolveLright(R *vec, int *ridx, int &rn, R eps)CLUFactor< R >private
vSolveLright2(R *vec, int *ridx, int &rn, R eps, R *vec2, int *ridx2, int &rn2, R eps2)CLUFactor< R >private
vSolveLright3(R *vec, int *ridx, int &rn, R eps, R *vec2, int *ridx2, int &rn2, R eps2, R *vec3, int *ridx3, int &rn3, R eps3)CLUFactor< R >private
vSolveRight4update(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)CLUFactor< R >protected
vSolveRight4update2(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R *vec2, R eps2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int rn2, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)CLUFactor< R >protected
vSolveRight4update2sparse(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int &rn, R eps2, R *vec2, int *idx2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int &rn2, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)CLUFactor< R >protected
vSolveRight4update3(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R *vec2, R eps2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int rn2, R *vec3, R eps3, R *rhs3, int *ridx3, int rn3, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)CLUFactor< R >protected
vSolveRight4update3sparse(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int &rn, R eps2, R *vec2, int *idx2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int &rn2, R eps3, R *vec3, int *idx3, R *rhs3, int *ridx3, int &rn3, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)CLUFactor< R >protected
vSolveRightNoNZ(R *vec, R eps, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn)CLUFactor< R >protected
vSolveUpdateRight(R *vec, int *ridx, int n, R eps)CLUFactor< R >private
vSolveUpdateRightNoNZ(R *vec, R)CLUFactor< R >private
vSolveUright(R *vec, int *vidx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R eps)CLUFactor< R >private
vSolveUright2(R *vec, int *vidx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R eps, R *vec2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int rn2, R eps2)CLUFactor< R >private
vSolveUrightNoNZ(R *vec, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R eps)CLUFactor< R >private
workCLUFactor< R >protected