

Sequential object-oriented simPlex

ssvectorbase.h File Reference

Semi sparse vector. More...

#include <assert.h>
#include "soplex/spxdefines.h"
#include "soplex/vectorbase.h"
#include "soplex/idxset.h"
#include "soplex/spxalloc.h"
#include "soplex/timer.h"
#include "soplex/stablesum.h"

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class  SVectorBase< R >
 Sparse vectors.Class SVectorBase provides packed sparse vectors. Such are a sparse vectors, with a storage scheme that keeps all data in one contiguous block of memory. This is best suited for using them for parallel computing on a distributed memory multiprocessor. More...
class  SVSetBase< R >
 Sparse vector set.Class SVSetBase provides a set of sparse vectors SVectorBase. All SVectorBases in an SVSetBase share one big memory block for their nonzeros. This memory is referred to as the nonzero memory. The SVectorBases themselves are saved in another memory block referred to as the vector memory. Both memory blocks will grow automatically if required, when adding more SVectorBases to the set or enlarging SVectorBases within the set. For controlling memory consumption, methods are provided to inquire and reset the size of the memory blocks used for vectors and nonzeros. More...
class  SSVectorBase< R >
 Semi sparse vector.This class implements semi-sparse vectors. Such are VectorBases where the indices of its nonzero elements can be stored in an extra IdxSet. Only elements with absolute value > epsilon are considered to be nonzero. Since really storing the nonzeros is not always convenient, an SSVectorBase provides two different stati: setup and not setup. An SSVectorBase being setup means that the nonzero indices are available, otherwise an SSVectorBase is just an ordinary VectorBase with an empty IdxSet. Note that due to arithmetic operation, zeros can slip in, i.e., it is only guaranteed that at least every non-zero is in the IdxSet. More...


 Everything should be within this namespace.

Detailed Description

Semi sparse vector.

Definition in file ssvectorbase.h.