

Sequential object-oriented simPlex

Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NsoplexEverything should be within this namespace
 CArraySafe arrays of arbitrary types
 CClassArraySafe arrays of class objects
 CClassSetSet of class objects
 CCLUFactorImplementation of sparse LU factorization
 CCLUFactorRationalImplementation of sparse LU factorization with Rational precision
 CDataArraySafe arrays of data objects
 CDataHashTableGeneric hash table for data objects
 CDataKeyEntry identifier class for items of a DataSet
 CDataSetSet of data objects
 CDIdxSetDynamic index set
 CDSVectorBaseDynamic sparse vectors
 CIdElementElements for IdLists
 CIdListGeneric Real linked list
 CIdxSetSet of indices
 CIsElementElements for IsLists
 CIsListGeneric single linked list
 CLPColBaseLP column
 CLPColSetBaseSet of LP columns
 CLPRowBase(In)equality for LPs
 CLPRowSetBaseSet of LP rows
 CNameSetSet of strings
 CNonzeroSparse vector nonzero element
 CRandomRandom numbers
 CSLinSolverSparse Linear Solver virtual base class
 CSLinSolverRationalSparse Linear Solver virtual base class with Rational precision
 CSLUFactorImplementation of Sparse Linear Solver
 CSLUFactorRationalImplementation of Sparse Linear Solver with Rational precision
 CSolBaseClass for storing a primal-dual solution with basis information
 CSPxAutoPRAuto pricer
 CSPxBasisBaseSimplex basis
 CSPxBoundFlippingRTBound flipping ratio test ("long step dual") for SoPlex
 CSPxColIdIds for LP columns
 CSPxDantzigPRDantzig pricer
 CSPxDefaultRTTextbook ratio test for SoPlex
 CSPxDevexPRDevex pricer
 CSPxEquiliSCEquilibrium row/column scaling
 CSPxExceptionException base class
 CSPxFastRTFast shifting ratio test
 CSPxGeometSCGeometric mean row/column scaling
 CSPxHarrisRTHarris pricing with shifting
 CSPxHybridPRHybrid pricer
 CSPxIdGeneric Ids for LP rows or columns
 CSPxInterfaceExceptionException class for incorrect usage of interface methods
 CSPxInternalCodeExceptionException class for things that should NEVER happen
 CSPxLeastSqSCLeast squares scaling
 CSPxLPBaseSaving LPs in a form suitable for SoPlex
 CSPxMainSMLP simplifier for removing uneccessary row/columns
 CSPxMemoryExceptionException class for out of memory exceptions
 CSPxOutWrapper for several output streams. A verbosity level is used to decide which stream to use and whether to really print a given message. Regardless of whether the verbosity level is set via a manipulator or via the member function, it is persistent until a new value is set
 CSPxParMultPRPartial multiple pricing
 CSPxPricerAbstract pricer base class
 CSPxRatioTesterAbstract ratio test base class
 CSPxRowIdIds for LP rows
 CSPxScalerLP scaler abstract base class
 CSPxSimplifierLP simplification abstract base class
 CSPxSolverBaseSequential object-oriented SimPlex
 CSPxStarterSoPlex start basis generation base class
 CSPxStatusExceptionException class for status exceptions during the computations
 CSPxSteepExPRSteepest edge pricer
 CSPxSteepPRSteepest edge pricer
 CSPxSumSTSimple heuristic SPxStarter
 CSPxVectorSTSolution vector based start basis
 CSPxWeightPRWeighted pricing
 CSPxWeightSTWeighted start basis
 CSSVectorBaseSemi sparse vector
 CStableSum< double >
 CSVectorBaseSparse vectors
 CSVSetBaseSparse vector set
 CTimerWrapper for the system time query methods
 CTimerFactoryClass to create new timers and to switch types of exiting ones
 CUnitVectorBaseSparse vector \(e_i\)
 CUpdateVectorDense Vector with semi-sparse Vector for updates
 CVectorBaseDense vector