Notes for SoPlex Release 3.0.0 What's new ---------- - new scaling implementation: Least squares, (Curtis-Reid scaling); use with "-g5" - solution polishing: perform additional primal pivots at optimal basis turn on with parameter "int:solution_polishing" 0 - off 1 - try to increase number of basic slack vars 2 - try to decrease number of basic slack vars - persistent scaling: - keep scaled LP for multiple reoptimizations - modifications to LP are correctly transformed - decomposition based dual simplex: - an experimental version of the a decomposition based approach to avoid degeneracy in the dual simplex method - activated by setting the parameter bool:decompositiondualsimplex to true. - this sets the basis representation to 'row', the solve mode to 'real', and the algorithm to 'dual'. - additional parameters include: usecompdual: setting to true using the dual formulation of the complementary problem, default is false. explicitviol: setting to true explicitly computes the violation of the reduced problem solution instead of using the complementary problem to identify violated rows, default is false. decomp_iterlimit: the number of algorithm iterations for the decomposition based simplex. decomp_maxaddedrows: the maximum number of rows added to the reduced problem in each algorithm iteration. decomp_displayfreq: the frequency of output for the decomposition based simplex. decomp_verbosity: the verbosity level of the decomposition based simplex. - computing the degeneracy of a basis in each iteration: - the parameter computedegen, when set to true will compute the degeneracy of each basis. - write dual formulation to file: additional command line option "--writedual" is provided to write the dual formulation to a file. When providing this option only the file is output, the problem is not solved. - automatically use the row representation for problems with more than 20% more constraints than variables - thread-safety by using the storage class specifier thread-local for static variables For details see the CHANGELOG file and the Doxygen documentation.