SoPlex Doxygen Documentation
How to use the flags in the example program

Here are some tips on which flags to use with the example program:

If you have more constraints (rows) than variables (cols) it is a good idea to try the -r flag to choose a row-wise representation of the basis.

Setting the different epsilons to a smaller value like 1e-18 or 1e-20 (using -zz or -zu) might improve the quality of the solution, but may also slow down the program. Setting the epsilons to bigger values may speed up the algorithm, but values greater than 1e-12 are definitely a bad idea.

Setting -d to smaller values like 1e-7 or 1e-8 will improve the quality of the solution, but it will take longer. Values smaller then 1e-9 are not recommended. The -d value should be substantial bigger then the -z values.

If the default settings are too slow, using -e eventually together with -p1 might improve the running time.