SoPlex Doxygen Documentation
Roland Wunderling
Tobias Achterberg
Timo Berthold
Andreas Bley
Ambros Gleixner
Wei Huang
Benjamin Hiller
Thorsten Koch
Matthias Miltenberger
Sebastian Orlowski
Marc Pfetsch
Eva Ramlow
Andreas Tuchscherer

The Sequential object-oriented simplex class library.

This software has been implemented as a part of Roland Wunderling's Ph.D. thesis "Paralleler und Objektorientierter Simplex-Algorithmus" which can be found at (in German).

SoPlex is part of the SCIP Optmization Suite. A tutorial article for getting started with the SCIP Optimization Suite is available as ZIB technical report 12-27 here.

SoPlex is implemented in C++. The code should be compliant with the current ANSI standard. RTTI and STL (other then iostream) are not used. Everything is in one namespace soplex.