SoPlex Doxygen Documentation
Iterative Refinement

Since version 1.7, SoPlex provides the new feature iterative refinement that allows for computing extended-precision solutions beyond the limits of standard floating-point arithmetic. It may be particularly helpful for numerically troublesome LPs and applications that require solutions within tight feasibility tolerances.

Iterative refinement is still under development and deactivated by default. In the following, we explain in detail how to install and use iterative refinement in SoPlex 1.7. Be aware that the interface may change in future releases.


For iterative refinement, SoPlex must be built with support for GMP, the GNU Multiple Precision library ( Since SoPlex uses the C++ interface of GMP, both libgmp and libgmpxx must be available on your system.

When using SoPlex's Makefile build system, it suffices to make with option GMP=true, see the INSTALL file for details. If you use a different build system than the provided Makefile, you need to define the preprocessor flag SOPLEX_WITH_GMP and link with libgmp and libgmpxx.


SoPlex 1.7 comes with a new parameter called "iterative refinement threshold". At the command line, this threshold can be changed via option -R; the callable library provides the methods soplex::SoPlex::setIrthreshold() and soplex::SPxSolver::setIrthreshold(). By default, this threshold is 1e-12.

If GMP support is not available, the primal and dual feasibility tolerance cannot be set below the iterative refinement threshold. With GMP support enabled, as soon as either the primal or dual feasibility tolerance (command line options -f and -o, respectively) is set to a value smaller than this threshold, iterative refinement is performed automatically.

For a detailed explanation of the iterative refinement algorithm see the ZIB technical report 12-19 available online at

Vaguely speaking, at each round of the iterative refinement process, SoPlex computes the primal and dual violation of the current solution in exact arithmetic and uses this to set up an LP with modified bounds, sides, and objective function. The solution to this LP is then used to correct the solution and reduce primal and dual violation. This is repeated until the requested feasibility and optimality tolerance is reached.

Current limitations

Currently, iterative refinement is only implemented for LPs with an optimal solution; unbounded or infeasible LPs cannot be handled, yet. Furthermore, SoPlex supports exact arithmetic only internally. Input and output cannot yet be performed in standard floating-point precision. This leads to the following two limitations.

First, SoPlex only accepts LPs in double-precision, hence when parsing an LP or MPS file, roundoff errors may be introduced and hence the LP in SoPlex may be slightly perturbed. Be aware that the result returned by SoPlex hence might apply for a slightly modified problem. In extreme cases, this can even lead to the internally stored LP becoming slightly infeasible. While a standard flaoting-point LP solver would not detect these minimal infeasibilities, the iterative refinement procedure will do so if high feasibility tolerances are used. Because of this, we have currently decided that in case infeasibility is detected at higher rounds of iterative refinement, SoPlex will return the solution of the previous round.

Second, SoPlex can currently return only a floating-point rounding of the high-precision solution computed internally. Be aware that even if iterative refinement terminates and claims that the requested tolerances have been reached, this may not hold for the solution returned by the interface, e.g., the options -x and -y on the command line. Note that the basis information returned by SoPlex (command line option -bw) is exact in any case and tools like PerPlex or QSopt_ex can be used to recompute the corresponding primal-dual solution in exact arithmetic.


These limitations will be overcome in future release. We appreciate any feedback, comments, and questions on this new feature. They can be directed to and will help improve the future development of SoPlex.