

Sequential object-oriented simPlex

spxdefines.h File Reference

Debugging, floating point type and parameter definitions. More...

#include <cmath>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <memory>
#include "soplex/config.h"
#include "boost/multiprecision/number.hpp"
#include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>
#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_dec_float.hpp>
#include <boost/multiprecision/gmp.hpp>
#include "spxdefines.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  Tolerances


namespace  soplex
 Everything should be within this namespace.


#define SOPLEX_VERSION   713
#define SOPLEX_COPYRIGHT   "Copyright (c) 1996-2025 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)"
#define SOPLEX_ASSERT_WARN(prefix, expr)   ( assert( expr ) )
 Macro to turn some assertions into warnings. More...
#define SOPLEX_DO_WITH_TMP_VERBOSITY(verbosity, spxout, do_something)
#define SOPLEX_DO_WITH_ERR_VERBOSITY(do_something)   { do_something; }
 Prints out message x if the verbosity level is at least SPxOut::ERROR. More...
#define SPX_MSG_WARNING(spxout, x)   { SOPLEX_DO_WITH_TMP_VERBOSITY( SPxOut::WARNING, spxout, x ) }
 Prints out message x if the verbosity level is at least SPxOut::WARNING. More...
#define SPX_MSG_INFO1(spxout, x)   { SOPLEX_DO_WITH_TMP_VERBOSITY( SPxOut::INFO1, spxout, x ) }
 Prints out message x if the verbosity level is at least SPxOut::INFO1. More...
#define SPX_MSG_INFO2(spxout, x)   { SOPLEX_DO_WITH_TMP_VERBOSITY( SPxOut::INFO2, spxout, x ) }
 Prints out message x if the verbosity level is at least SPxOut::INFO2. More...
#define SPX_MSG_INFO3(spxout, x)   { SOPLEX_DO_WITH_TMP_VERBOSITY( SPxOut::INFO3, spxout, x ) }
 Prints out message x if the verbosity level is at least SPxOut::INFO3. More...
#define SPX_MSG_INCONSISTENT(name)   msginconsistent(name, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define SPX_MSG_DEBUG(x)
#define SPX_DEBUG(x)
#define SOPLEX_THREADLOCAL   thread_local
#define SOPLEX_REAL(x)   x
#define SOPLEX_REAL_FORMAT   "lf"
 default allowed bound violation More...
 default allowed additive zero: 1.0 + EPS_ZERO == 1.0 More...
#define SOPLEX_MAX(x, y)   ((x)>(y) ? (x) : (y))
#define SOPLEX_MIN(x, y)   ((x)<(y) ? (x) : (y))
#define SPX_MAXSTRLEN   1024


typedef double Real


bool EQ (int a, int b)
bool msginconsistent (const char *name, const char *file, int line)
template<class R >
spxAbs (R a)
Real spxNextafter (Real x, Real y)
Real spxAbs (Real a)
 returns |a| More...
Real spxSqrt (Real a)
 returns square root More...
Real maxAbs (Real a, Real b)
 returns max(|a|,|b|) More...
Real relDiff (Real a, Real b)
 returns (a-b) / max(|a|,|b|,1.0) More...
int spxSnprintf (char *t, size_t len, const char *s,...)
 safe version of snprintf More...
template<boost::multiprecision::expression_template_option eto>
number< gmp_rational, eto > ldexp (number< gmp_rational, eto >, int exp)
template<boost::multiprecision::expression_template_option eto>
number< gmp_rational, eto > frexp (number< gmp_rational, eto >, int *exp)
template<typename T , boost::multiprecision::expression_template_option eto>
boost::multiprecision::number< T, eto > spxFrexp (boost::multiprecision::number< T, eto > y, int *exp)
template<typename T , boost::multiprecision::expression_template_option eto>
boost::multiprecision::number< T > spxLdexp (boost::multiprecision::number< T, eto > x, int exp)
template<typename T , expression_template_option ep>
number< T, ep > spxSqrt (number< T, ep > a)
template<typename T , expression_template_option eto>
number< T, eto > spxNextafter (number< T, eto > x, number< T, eto > y)
template<typename T >
number< T > spxSqrt (number< T > a)
template<typename T , expression_template_option et>
number< T, et > maxAbs (number< T, et > a, number< T, et > b)
 returns max(|a|,|b|) More...
template<typename T , expression_template_option et>
number< T, et > relDiff (number< T, et > a, number< T, et > b)

Detailed Description

Debugging, floating point type and parameter definitions.

In optimized code with NDEBUG defined, only INFO1, INFO2, and INFO3 are set. If NDEBUG is not defined, the code within #TRACE is used. If SOPLEX_DEBUG is defined, the code within DEBUG is also used.

If WITH_LONG_DOUBLE is defined, all Real numbers are of type long double instead of just double.

Definition in file spxdefines.h.

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 95 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SOPLEX_ASSERT_WARN (   prefix,
)    ( assert( expr ) )

Macro to turn some assertions into warnings.

If both NDEBUG and WITH_WARNINGS are defined then the failed assertion is converted to a warning. In all other cases this macro is equivalent to assert().

prefixShort string for grepping in source code.
exprExpression that must be satisfied.

Definition at line 125 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SOPLEX_COPYRIGHT   "Copyright (c) 1996-2025 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)"

Definition at line 96 of file spxdefines.h.



default allowed bound violation

Definition at line 276 of file spxdefines.h.



Definition at line 283 of file spxdefines.h.



Definition at line 289 of file spxdefines.h.



Definition at line 286 of file spxdefines.h.



default allowed additive zero: 1.0 + EPS_ZERO == 1.0

Definition at line 280 of file spxdefines.h.



Definition at line 291 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SOPLEX_DO_WITH_ERR_VERBOSITY (   do_something)    { do_something; }

Definition at line 158 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SOPLEX_DO_WITH_TMP_VERBOSITY (   verbosity,
{ \
if( &spxout != nullptr ) \
{ \
if( verbosity <= spxout.getVerbosity() ) \
{ \
const SPxOut::Verbosity old_verbosity = spxout.getVerbosity(); \
spxout.setVerbosity( verbosity ); \
do_something; \
spxout.setVerbosity( old_verbosity ); \
} \
} \
Verbosity level.
Definition: spxout.h:87

Prints/Executes stream with verbosity level verbosity, resetting the old verbosity level afterwards. Usually the parameter stream prints something out. This is an internal define used by SPX_MSG_ERROR, SPX_MSG_WARNING, etc.

Definition at line 145 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SOPLEX_MAX (   x,
)    ((x)>(y) ? (x) : (y))

Definition at line 296 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SOPLEX_MIN (   x,
)    ((x)<(y) ? (x) : (y))

Definition at line 297 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SOPLEX_REAL (   x)    x

Definition at line 271 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SOPLEX_REAL_FORMAT   "lf"

Definition at line 272 of file spxdefines.h.



Definition at line 94 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SOPLEX_THREADLOCAL   thread_local


Definition at line 195 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SOPLEX_VERSION   713

Definition at line 93 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SPX_DEBUG (   x)

Definition at line 182 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SPX_MAXSTRLEN   1024

maximum string length in SoPlex

Definition at line 299 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SPX_MSG_DEBUG (   x)

Definition at line 181 of file spxdefines.h.



Prints out message x if the verbosity level is at least SPxOut::ERROR.

Definition at line 162 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SPX_MSG_INCONSISTENT (   name)    msginconsistent(name, __FILE__, __LINE__)

Definition at line 174 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SPX_MSG_INFO1 (   spxout,
)    { SOPLEX_DO_WITH_TMP_VERBOSITY( SPxOut::INFO1, spxout, x ) }

Prints out message x if the verbosity level is at least SPxOut::INFO1.

Definition at line 166 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SPX_MSG_INFO2 (   spxout,
)    { SOPLEX_DO_WITH_TMP_VERBOSITY( SPxOut::INFO2, spxout, x ) }

Prints out message x if the verbosity level is at least SPxOut::INFO2.

Definition at line 168 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SPX_MSG_INFO3 (   spxout,
)    { SOPLEX_DO_WITH_TMP_VERBOSITY( SPxOut::INFO3, spxout, x ) }

Prints out message x if the verbosity level is at least SPxOut::INFO3.

Definition at line 170 of file spxdefines.h.


#define SPX_MSG_WARNING (   spxout,

Prints out message x if the verbosity level is at least SPxOut::WARNING.

Definition at line 164 of file spxdefines.h.