65 readingTime->~Timer();
66 solvingTime->~Timer();
67 preprocessingTime->~Timer();
68 simplexTime->~Timer();
70 transformTime->~Timer();
71 rationalTime->~Timer();
72 initialPrecisionTime->~Timer();
73 extendedPrecisionTime->~Timer();
74 reconstructionTime->~Timer();
75 boostingStepTime->~Timer();
188#include "statistics.hpp"
int boundflips
number of dual bound flips
int iterationsPrimal
number of iterations with Primal
int rationalReconstructions
number of rational reconstructions performed
Timer * boostingStepTime
time for the precision boosting step: boost, load LP, load basis, decrease tols (included in solving ...
Timer * extendedPrecisionTime
solving time with extended precision (included in solving time)
Real luFactorizationTimeRational
time for factorizing bases matrices in rational precision
Real multTimeFull
time for computing A*x ignoring sparsity (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
Statistics(const Statistics &base)
copy constructor
int iterations
number of iterations/pivots
int pivotRefinements
number of refinement steps until final basis is reached
int multFullCalls
number of products A*x ignoring sparsity (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
R finalBasisCondition
condition number estimate of the optimal basis matrix
int luFactorizationsRational
number of basis matrix factorizations in rational precision
Real multTimeUnsetup
time for computing A*x w/o sparsity information (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
int iterationsPolish
number of iterations during solution polishing
int iterationsFP
number of iterations/pivots in first floating-point solve
R sumDualDegen
the sum of the rate of dual degeneracy at each iteration
R totalBoundViol
the sum of the bound violations in the original problem using the red prob sol
int multColwiseCalls
number of products A*x columnwise (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
int feasPrecBoosts
number of precision boosts during infeasibility test
int iterationsCompProb
number of iterations of the complementary problem
R sumPrimalDegen
the sum of the rate of primal degeneracy at each iteration
int degenPivotsDual
number of dual degenerate pivots
Statistics(Timer::TYPE ttype=Timer::USER_TIME)
default constructor
int boostedIterationsPrimal
number of iterations with Primal
int stallRefinements
number of refinement steps without pivots
R finalCompObj
the final objective function of the complementary problem
int unbdRefinements
number of refinement steps during undboundedness test
int redProbStatus
status of the reduced problem
int multSparseCalls
number of products A*x exploiting sparsity (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
Timer * transformTime
time for transforming LPs (included in solving time)
int callsReducedProb
number of times the reduced problem is solved. This includes the initial solve.
int luFactorizationsReal
number of basis matrix factorizations in real precision
int degenPivotCandDual
number of pivoting candidates that will produce a degenerate step in the dual
Timer * readingTime
reading time not included in solving time
Timer::TYPE timerType
type of timer (user or wallclock)
int compProbStatus
status of the complementary problem
int precBoosts
number of precision boosts
void print(std::ostream &os)
prints statistics
void clearAllData()
clears all statistics
Timer * initialPrecisionTime
solving time with initial precision (included in solving time)
int unbdPrecBoosts
number of precision boosts during undboundedness test
Real multTimeColwise
time for computing A*x columnwise (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
Statistics & operator=(const Statistics &rhs)
assignment operator
int iterationsRedProb
number of iterations of the reduced problem
Timer * simplexTime
simplex time
Real luSolveTimeReal
time for solving linear systems in real precision
Timer * preprocessingTime
preprocessing time
R totalRowViol
the sum of the row violations in the original problem using the red prob sol
Timer * solvingTime
solving time
Timer * rationalTime
time for rational LP solving (included in solving time)
Real multTimeSparse
time for computing A*x exploiting sparsity (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
int numRedProbRows
number of rows in the reduced problem
int boostedIterations
number of iterations/pivots in extended precision
int pivotPrecBoosts
number of precision boosts until final basis is reached
int stallPrecBoosts
number of precision boosts without pivots
int degenPivotCandPrimal
number of pivoting candidates that will produce a degenerate step in the primal
int boostedIterationsFromBasis
number of iterations from Basis
int multUnsetupCalls
number of products A*x w/o sparsity information (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
R maxRowViol
the max row violations in the original problem using the red prob sol
int feasRefinements
number of refinement steps during infeasibility test
int iterationsInit
number of iterations in the initial LP
void clearSolvingData()
clears statistics on solving process
int degenPivotsPrimal
number of primal degenerate pivots
int numRedProbCols
number of columns in the reduced problem
Real fpTime
time for first floating-point LP solve
int refinements
number of refinement steps
Timer * syncTime
time for synchronization between real and rational LP (included in solving time)
Real luSolveTimeRational
time for solving linear systems in rational precision
int iterationsFromBasis
number of iterations from Basis
Timer * reconstructionTime
time for rational reconstructions
Real luFactorizationTimeReal
time for factorizing bases matrices in real precision
int luSolvesReal
number of (forward and backward) solves with basis matrix in real precision
int boostedBoundflips
number of dual bound flips
int boostedIterationsPolish
number of iterations during solution polishing
R maxBoundViol
the max bound violation in the original problem using the red prob sol
Wrapper for the system time query methods.
Everything should be within this namespace.
void spx_free(T &p)
Release memory.
Preconfigured SoPlex LP solver.