

Sequential object-oriented simPlex

Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2/* */
3/* This file is part of the class library */
4/* SoPlex --- the Sequential object-oriented simPlex. */
5/* */
6/* Copyright (c) 1996-2025 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) */
7/* */
8/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
9/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
10/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
11/* */
12/* */
13/* */
14/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
15/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
16/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */
17/* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */
18/* limitations under the License. */
19/* */
20/* You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 license */
21/* along with SoPlex; see the file LICENSE. If not email to */
22/* */
23/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
25/**@file statistics.h
26 * @brief Class for collecting statistical information
27 */
28#ifndef _STATISTICS_H_
29#define _STATISTICS_H_
31#include <iostream>
33#include "soplex.h"
34#include "soplex/timer.h"
36namespace soplex
38/**@class Statistics
39 * @brief Class for collecting statistical information
40 * @ingroup Algo
41 */
42template <class R>
49 ///@name Construction, resetting, printing
50 ///@{
52 /// default constructor
55 /// copy constructor
56 Statistics(const Statistics& base);
58 /// assignment operator
61 /// destructor
63 {
64 // we need to free all timers again (allocation happens in constructor)
65 readingTime->~Timer();
66 solvingTime->~Timer();
67 preprocessingTime->~Timer();
68 simplexTime->~Timer();
69 syncTime->~Timer();
70 transformTime->~Timer();
71 rationalTime->~Timer();
72 initialPrecisionTime->~Timer();
73 extendedPrecisionTime->~Timer();
74 reconstructionTime->~Timer();
75 boostingStepTime->~Timer();
76 spx_free(readingTime);
77 spx_free(solvingTime);
78 spx_free(preprocessingTime);
79 spx_free(simplexTime);
80 spx_free(syncTime);
81 spx_free(transformTime);
82 spx_free(rationalTime);
83 spx_free(initialPrecisionTime);
84 spx_free(extendedPrecisionTime);
85 spx_free(reconstructionTime);
86 spx_free(boostingStepTime);
87 }
89 /// clears all statistics
92 /// clears statistics on solving process
95 /// prints statistics
96 void print(std::ostream& os);
99 ///@}
102 ///@name Data
103 ///@{
105 Timer* readingTime; ///< reading time not included in solving time
106 Timer* solvingTime; ///< solving time
107 Timer* preprocessingTime; ///< preprocessing time
108 Timer* simplexTime; ///< simplex time
109 Timer* syncTime; ///< time for synchronization between real and rational LP (included in solving time)
110 Timer* transformTime; ///< time for transforming LPs (included in solving time)
111 Timer* rationalTime; ///< time for rational LP solving (included in solving time)
112 Timer* initialPrecisionTime; ///< solving time with initial precision (included in solving time)
113 Timer* extendedPrecisionTime; ///< solving time with extended precision (included in solving time)
114 Timer* reconstructionTime; ///< time for rational reconstructions
115 Timer* boostingStepTime; ///< time for the precision boosting step: boost, load LP, load basis, decrease tols (included in solving time)
116 Timer::TYPE timerType; ///< type of timer (user or wallclock)
118 Real multTimeSparse; ///< time for computing A*x exploiting sparsity (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
119 Real multTimeFull; ///< time for computing A*x ignoring sparsity (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
120 Real multTimeColwise; ///< time for computing A*x columnwise (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
121 Real multTimeUnsetup; ///< time for computing A*x w/o sparsity information (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
122 int multSparseCalls; ///< number of products A*x exploiting sparsity (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
123 int multFullCalls; ///< number of products A*x ignoring sparsity (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
124 int multColwiseCalls; ///< number of products A*x columnwise (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
125 int multUnsetupCalls; ///< number of products A*x w/o sparsity information (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
127 Real luFactorizationTimeReal; ///< time for factorizing bases matrices in real precision
128 Real luSolveTimeReal; ///< time for solving linear systems in real precision
129 Real luFactorizationTimeRational; ///< time for factorizing bases matrices in rational precision
130 Real luSolveTimeRational; ///< time for solving linear systems in rational precision
131 Real fpTime; ///< time for first floating-point LP solve
132 int iterations; ///< number of iterations/pivots
133 int iterationsPrimal; ///< number of iterations with Primal
134 int iterationsFromBasis; ///< number of iterations from Basis
135 int iterationsPolish; ///< number of iterations during solution polishing
136 int iterationsFP; ///< number of iterations/pivots in first floating-point solve
137 int boundflips; ///< number of dual bound flips
138 int boostedIterations; ///< number of iterations/pivots in extended precision
139 int boostedIterationsPrimal; ///< number of iterations with Primal
140 int boostedIterationsFromBasis; ///< number of iterations from Basis
141 int boostedIterationsPolish; ///< number of iterations during solution polishing
142 int boostedBoundflips; ///< number of dual bound flips
143 int luFactorizationsReal; ///< number of basis matrix factorizations in real precision
144 int luSolvesReal; ///< number of (forward and backward) solves with basis matrix in real precision
145 int luFactorizationsRational; ///< number of basis matrix factorizations in rational precision
146 int rationalReconstructions; ///< number of rational reconstructions performed
147 int refinements; ///< number of refinement steps
148 int stallRefinements; ///< number of refinement steps without pivots
149 int pivotRefinements; ///< number of refinement steps until final basis is reached
150 int feasRefinements; ///< number of refinement steps during infeasibility test
151 int unbdRefinements; ///< number of refinement steps during undboundedness test
152 int precBoosts; ///< number of precision boosts
153 int stallPrecBoosts; ///< number of precision boosts without pivots
154 int pivotPrecBoosts; ///< number of precision boosts until final basis is reached
155 int feasPrecBoosts; ///< number of precision boosts during infeasibility test
156 int unbdPrecBoosts; ///< number of precision boosts during undboundedness test
158 // Improved dual simplex statistics
159 int callsReducedProb; ///< number of times the reduced problem is solved. This includes the initial solve.
160 int iterationsInit; ///< number of iterations in the initial LP
161 int iterationsRedProb; ///< number of iterations of the reduced problem
162 int iterationsCompProb; ///< number of iterations of the complementary problem
163 int numRedProbRows; ///< number of rows in the reduced problem
164 int numRedProbCols; ///< number of columns in the reduced problem
165 int degenPivotsPrimal; ///< number of primal degenerate pivots
166 int degenPivotsDual; ///< number of dual degenerate pivots
167 int degenPivotCandPrimal; ///< number of pivoting candidates that will produce a degenerate step in the primal
168 int degenPivotCandDual; ///< number of pivoting candidates that will produce a degenerate step in the dual
169 R sumDualDegen; ///< the sum of the rate of dual degeneracy at each iteration
170 R sumPrimalDegen; ///< the sum of the rate of primal degeneracy at each iteration
171 R totalBoundViol; ///< the sum of the bound violations in the original problem using the red prob sol
172 R totalRowViol; ///< the sum of the row violations in the original problem using the red prob sol
173 R maxBoundViol; ///< the max bound violation in the original problem using the red prob sol
174 R maxRowViol; ///< the max row violations in the original problem using the red prob sol
175 int redProbStatus; ///< status of the reduced problem
176 int compProbStatus; ///< status of the complementary problem
177 R finalCompObj; ///< the final objective function of the complementary problem
179 // Numerics
180 R finalBasisCondition; ///< condition number estimate of the optimal basis matrix
182 ///@}
185} // namespace soplex
187// For general templated files
188#include "statistics.hpp"
190#endif // _STATISTICS_H_
int boundflips
number of dual bound flips
Definition: statistics.h:137
int iterationsPrimal
number of iterations with Primal
Definition: statistics.h:133
int rationalReconstructions
number of rational reconstructions performed
Definition: statistics.h:146
Timer * boostingStepTime
time for the precision boosting step: boost, load LP, load basis, decrease tols (included in solving ...
Definition: statistics.h:115
Timer * extendedPrecisionTime
solving time with extended precision (included in solving time)
Definition: statistics.h:113
Real luFactorizationTimeRational
time for factorizing bases matrices in rational precision
Definition: statistics.h:129
Real multTimeFull
time for computing A*x ignoring sparsity (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
Definition: statistics.h:119
Statistics(const Statistics &base)
copy constructor
int iterations
number of iterations/pivots
Definition: statistics.h:132
int pivotRefinements
number of refinement steps until final basis is reached
Definition: statistics.h:149
int multFullCalls
number of products A*x ignoring sparsity (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
Definition: statistics.h:123
R finalBasisCondition
condition number estimate of the optimal basis matrix
Definition: statistics.h:180
int luFactorizationsRational
number of basis matrix factorizations in rational precision
Definition: statistics.h:145
Real multTimeUnsetup
time for computing A*x w/o sparsity information (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
Definition: statistics.h:121
int iterationsPolish
number of iterations during solution polishing
Definition: statistics.h:135
int iterationsFP
number of iterations/pivots in first floating-point solve
Definition: statistics.h:136
R sumDualDegen
the sum of the rate of dual degeneracy at each iteration
Definition: statistics.h:169
R totalBoundViol
the sum of the bound violations in the original problem using the red prob sol
Definition: statistics.h:171
int multColwiseCalls
number of products A*x columnwise (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
Definition: statistics.h:124
int feasPrecBoosts
number of precision boosts during infeasibility test
Definition: statistics.h:155
int iterationsCompProb
number of iterations of the complementary problem
Definition: statistics.h:162
R sumPrimalDegen
the sum of the rate of primal degeneracy at each iteration
Definition: statistics.h:170
int degenPivotsDual
number of dual degenerate pivots
Definition: statistics.h:166
Statistics(Timer::TYPE ttype=Timer::USER_TIME)
default constructor
int boostedIterationsPrimal
number of iterations with Primal
Definition: statistics.h:139
int stallRefinements
number of refinement steps without pivots
Definition: statistics.h:148
R finalCompObj
the final objective function of the complementary problem
Definition: statistics.h:177
int unbdRefinements
number of refinement steps during undboundedness test
Definition: statistics.h:151
int redProbStatus
status of the reduced problem
Definition: statistics.h:175
int multSparseCalls
number of products A*x exploiting sparsity (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
Definition: statistics.h:122
Timer * transformTime
time for transforming LPs (included in solving time)
Definition: statistics.h:110
int callsReducedProb
number of times the reduced problem is solved. This includes the initial solve.
Definition: statistics.h:159
int luFactorizationsReal
number of basis matrix factorizations in real precision
Definition: statistics.h:143
int degenPivotCandDual
number of pivoting candidates that will produce a degenerate step in the dual
Definition: statistics.h:168
Timer * readingTime
reading time not included in solving time
Definition: statistics.h:105
Timer::TYPE timerType
type of timer (user or wallclock)
Definition: statistics.h:116
int compProbStatus
status of the complementary problem
Definition: statistics.h:176
int precBoosts
number of precision boosts
Definition: statistics.h:152
void print(std::ostream &os)
prints statistics
void clearAllData()
clears all statistics
Timer * initialPrecisionTime
solving time with initial precision (included in solving time)
Definition: statistics.h:112
int unbdPrecBoosts
number of precision boosts during undboundedness test
Definition: statistics.h:156
Real multTimeColwise
time for computing A*x columnwise (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
Definition: statistics.h:120
Statistics & operator=(const Statistics &rhs)
assignment operator
int iterationsRedProb
number of iterations of the reduced problem
Definition: statistics.h:161
Timer * simplexTime
simplex time
Definition: statistics.h:108
Real luSolveTimeReal
time for solving linear systems in real precision
Definition: statistics.h:128
Timer * preprocessingTime
preprocessing time
Definition: statistics.h:107
R totalRowViol
the sum of the row violations in the original problem using the red prob sol
Definition: statistics.h:172
Timer * solvingTime
solving time
Definition: statistics.h:106
Timer * rationalTime
time for rational LP solving (included in solving time)
Definition: statistics.h:111
Real multTimeSparse
time for computing A*x exploiting sparsity (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
Definition: statistics.h:118
int numRedProbRows
number of rows in the reduced problem
Definition: statistics.h:163
int boostedIterations
number of iterations/pivots in extended precision
Definition: statistics.h:138
int pivotPrecBoosts
number of precision boosts until final basis is reached
Definition: statistics.h:154
int stallPrecBoosts
number of precision boosts without pivots
Definition: statistics.h:153
int degenPivotCandPrimal
number of pivoting candidates that will produce a degenerate step in the primal
Definition: statistics.h:167
int boostedIterationsFromBasis
number of iterations from Basis
Definition: statistics.h:140
int multUnsetupCalls
number of products A*x w/o sparsity information (setupPupdate(), PRICE step)
Definition: statistics.h:125
R maxRowViol
the max row violations in the original problem using the red prob sol
Definition: statistics.h:174
int feasRefinements
number of refinement steps during infeasibility test
Definition: statistics.h:150
int iterationsInit
number of iterations in the initial LP
Definition: statistics.h:160
void clearSolvingData()
clears statistics on solving process
int degenPivotsPrimal
number of primal degenerate pivots
Definition: statistics.h:165
int numRedProbCols
number of columns in the reduced problem
Definition: statistics.h:164
Real fpTime
time for first floating-point LP solve
Definition: statistics.h:131
int refinements
number of refinement steps
Definition: statistics.h:147
Timer * syncTime
time for synchronization between real and rational LP (included in solving time)
Definition: statistics.h:109
Real luSolveTimeRational
time for solving linear systems in rational precision
Definition: statistics.h:130
int iterationsFromBasis
number of iterations from Basis
Definition: statistics.h:134
Timer * reconstructionTime
time for rational reconstructions
Definition: statistics.h:114
Real luFactorizationTimeReal
time for factorizing bases matrices in real precision
Definition: statistics.h:127
int luSolvesReal
number of (forward and backward) solves with basis matrix in real precision
Definition: statistics.h:144
int boostedBoundflips
number of dual bound flips
Definition: statistics.h:142
int boostedIterationsPolish
number of iterations during solution polishing
Definition: statistics.h:141
R maxBoundViol
the max bound violation in the original problem using the red prob sol
Definition: statistics.h:173
Wrapper for the system time query methods.
Definition: timer.h:86
types of timers
Definition: timer.h:109
Everything should be within this namespace.
void spx_free(T &p)
Release memory.
Definition: spxalloc.h:121
double Real
Definition: spxdefines.h:268
Preconfigured SoPlex LP solver.
Timer class.