

Sequential object-oriented simPlex

Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2/* */
3/* This file is part of the class library */
4/* SoPlex --- the Sequential object-oriented simPlex. */
5/* */
6/* Copyright (c) 1996-2025 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) */
7/* */
8/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
9/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
10/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
11/* */
12/* */
13/* */
14/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
15/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
16/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */
17/* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */
18/* limitations under the License. */
19/* */
20/* You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 license */
21/* along with SoPlex; see the file LICENSE. If not email to */
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23/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
25/**@file clufactor.h
26 * @brief Implementation of sparse LU factorization.
27 */
28#ifndef _CLUFACTOR_H_
29#define _CLUFACTOR_H_
31#include "soplex/spxdefines.h"
32#include "soplex/slinsolver.h"
33#include "soplex/timer.h"
34#include "soplex/svector.h"
36#include "vector"
38#define SOPLEX_WITH_L_ROWS 1
40namespace soplex
42/**@brief Implementation of sparse LU factorization.
43 * @ingroup Algo
44 *
45 * This class implements a sparse LU factorization with either
46 * FOREST-TOMLIN or ETA updates, using dynamic Markowitz pivoting.
47 */
48template <class R>
53 /// set tolerances
54 void setTolerances(std::shared_ptr<Tolerances> tolerances)
55 {
56 this->_tolerances = tolerances;
57 }
58 /// get tolerances
59 const std::shared_ptr<Tolerances> tolerances() const
60 {
61 return _tolerances;
62 }
64 //----------------------------------------
65 /**@name Public types */
66 ///@{
67 /** Doubly linked ring structure for garbage collection of column or
68 * row file in working matrix.
69 */
70 struct Dring
71 {
74 int idx;
75 };
77 /// Pivot Ring
78 class Pring
79 {
80 public:
81 Pring* next; ///<
82 Pring* prev; ///<
83 int idx; ///< index of pivot row
84 int pos; ///< position of pivot column in row
85 int mkwtz; ///< markowitz number of pivot
87 Pring() : next(nullptr), prev(nullptr) ///< constructor
88 {
89 mkwtz = -1;
90 idx = -1;
91 pos = -1;
92 }
94 private:
95 Pring(const Pring&); ///< blocked copy constructor
96 Pring& operator= (const Pring&); ///< blocked assignment operator
97 };
98 ///@}
102 //----------------------------------------
103 /**@name Protected types */
104 ///@{
105 /// Temporary data structures.
106 class Temp
107 {
108 public:
109 int* s_mark; ///< marker
110 std::vector<R> s_max; ///< maximum absolute value per row (or -1)
111 int* s_cact; ///< lengths of columns of active submatrix
112 int stage; ///< stage of the structure
113 Pring pivots; ///< ring of selected pivot rows
114 Pring* pivot_col; ///< column index handlers for R linked list
115 Pring* pivot_colNZ; ///< lists for columns to number of nonzeros
116 Pring* pivot_row; ///< row index handlers for R linked list
117 Pring* pivot_rowNZ; ///< lists for rows to number of nonzeros
119 Temp(); ///< constructor
120 ~Temp(); ///< destructor
121 void init(int p_dim); ///< initialization
122 void clear(); ///< clears the structure
124 private:
125 Temp(const Temp&); ///< blocked copy constructor
126 Temp& operator= (const Temp&); ///< blocked assignment operator
127 };
129 /// Data structures for saving the row and column permutations.
130 struct Perm
131 {
132 int* orig; ///< orig[p] original index from p
133 int* perm; ///< perm[i] permuted index from i
134 };
136 /// Data structures for saving the working matrix and U factor.
137 struct U
138 {
139 ///
140 struct Row
141 {
142 Dring list; /*!< \brief Double linked ringlist of VectorBase<R>
143 indices in the order they appear
144 in the row file */
145 Dring* elem; ///< %Array of ring elements.
146 int size; ///< size of arrays val and idx
147 int used; ///< used entries of arrays idx and val
148 std::vector<R> val; ///< hold nonzero values
149 int* idx; ///< hold column indices of nonzeros
150 int* start; ///< starting positions in val and idx
151 int* len; ///< used nonzeros per row vectors
152 int* max; /*!< \brief maximum available nonzeros per row:
153 start[i] + max[i] == start[elem[i].next->idx]
154 len[i] <= max[i]. */
157 ///
158 struct Col
159 {
160 Dring list; /*!< \brief Double linked ringlist of VectorBase<R>
161 indices in the order they appear
162 in the column file */
163 Dring* elem; ///< %Array of ring elements.
164 int size; ///< size of array idx
165 int used; ///< used entries of array idx
166 int* idx; ///< hold row indices of nonzeros
167 std::vector<R> val; /*!< \brief hold nonzero values: this is only initialized
168 in the end of the factorization with DEFAULT
169 updates. */
170 int* start; ///< starting positions in val and idx
171 int* len; ///< used nonzeros per column vector
172 int* max; /*!< \brief maximum available nonzeros per colunn:
173 start[i] + max[i] == start[elem[i].next->idx]
174 len[i] <= max[i]. */
176 };
179 /// Data structures for saving the working matrix and L factor.
180 struct L
181 {
182 int size; ///< size of arrays val and idx
183 std::vector<R> val; ///< values of L vectors
184 int* idx; ///< indices of L vectors
185 int startSize; ///< size of array start
186 int firstUpdate; ///< number of first update L vector
187 int firstUnused; ///< number of first unused L vector
188 int* start; ///< starting positions in val and idx
189 int* row; ///< column indices of L vectors
190 int updateType; ///< type of updates to be used.
192 /* The following arrays have length |firstUpdate|, since they keep
193 * rows of the L-vectors occuring during the factorization (without
194 * updates), only:
195 */
196 std::vector<R> rval; ///< values of rows of L
197 int* ridx; ///< indices of rows of L
198 int* rbeg; ///< start of rows in rval and ridx
199 int* rorig; ///< original row permutation
200 int* rperm; ///< original row permutation
201 };
202 ///@}
204 //----------------------------------------
205 /**@name Protected data */
206 ///@{
207 typename SLinSolver<R>::Status stat; ///< Status indicator.
209 int thedim; ///< dimension of factorized matrix
210 int nzCnt; ///< number of nonzeros in U
211 R initMaxabs; ///< maximum abs number in initail Matrix
212 R maxabs; ///< maximum abs number in L and U
214 R rowMemMult; ///< factor of minimum Memory * number of nonzeros
215 R colMemMult; ///< factor of minimum Memory * number of nonzeros
216 R lMemMult; ///< factor of minimum Memory * number of nonzeros
218 Perm row; ///< row permutation matrices
219 Perm col; ///< column permutation matrices
221 L l; ///< L matrix
222 std::vector<R> diag; ///< Array of pivot elements
223 U u; ///< U matrix
225 R* work; ///< Working array: must always be left as 0!
227 Timer* factorTime; ///< Time spent in factorizations
228 int factorCount; ///< Number of factorizations
229 int hugeValues; ///< number of times huge values occurred during solve (only used in debug mode)
230 std::shared_ptr<Tolerances> _tolerances; ///< Tolerances for the factorization
231 ///@}
235 //----------------------------------------
236 /**@name Private data */
237 ///@{
238 Temp temp; ///< Temporary storage
239 ///@}
241 //----------------------------------------
242 /**@name Solving
243 These helper methods are used during the factorization process.
244 The solve*-methods solve lower and upper triangular systems from
245 the left or from the right, respectively The methods with '2' in
246 the end solve two systems at the same time. The methods with
247 "Eps" in the end consider elements smaller then the passed epsilon
248 as zero.
249 */
250 ///@{
251 ///
252 void solveUright(R* wrk, R* vec) const;
253 ///
254 int solveUrightEps(R* vec, int* nonz, R eps, R* rhs);
255 ///
256 void solveUright2(R* work1, R* vec1, R* work2, R* vec2);
257 ///
258 int solveUright2eps(R* work1, R* vec1, R* work2, R* vec2, int* nonz, R eps);
259 ///
260 void solveLright2(R* vec1, R* vec2);
261 ///
262 void solveUpdateRight(R* vec);
263 ///
264 void solveUpdateRight2(R* vec1, R* vec2);
265 ///
266 void solveUleft(R* work, R* vec);
267 ///
268 void solveUleft2(R* work1, R* vec1, R* work2, R* vec2);
269 ///
270 int solveLleft2forest(R* vec1, int* /* nonz */, R* vec2, R /* eps */);
271 ///
272 void solveLleft2(R* vec1, int* /* nonz */, R* vec2, R /* eps */);
273 ///
274 int solveLleftForest(R* vec, int* /* nonz */, R /* eps */);
275 ///
276 void solveLleft(R* vec) const;
277 ///
278 int solveLleftEps(R* vec, int* nonz, R eps);
279 ///
280 void solveUpdateLeft(R* vec);
281 ///
282 void solveUpdateLeft2(R* vec1, R* vec2);
284 void inline updateSolutionVectorLright(R change, int j, R& vec, int* idx, int& nnz);
285 ///
286 void vSolveLright(R* vec, int* ridx, int& rn, R eps);
287 ///
288 void vSolveLright2(R* vec, int* ridx, int& rn, R eps,
289 R* vec2, int* ridx2, int& rn2, R eps2);
290 ///
291 void vSolveLright3(R* vec, int* ridx, int& rn, R eps,
292 R* vec2, int* ridx2, int& rn2, R eps2,
293 R* vec3, int* ridx3, int& rn3, R eps3);
294 ///
295 int vSolveUright(R* vec, int* vidx, R* rhs, int* ridx, int rn, R eps);
296 ///
297 void vSolveUrightNoNZ(R* vec, R* rhs, int* ridx, int rn, R eps);
298 ///
299 int vSolveUright2(R* vec, int* vidx, R* rhs, int* ridx, int rn, R eps,
300 R* vec2, R* rhs2, int* ridx2, int rn2, R eps2);
301 ///
302 int vSolveUpdateRight(R* vec, int* ridx, int n, R eps);
303 ///
304 void vSolveUpdateRightNoNZ(R* vec, R /*eps*/);
305 ///
306 int solveUleft(R eps, R* vec, int* vecidx, R* rhs, int* rhsidx, int rhsn);
307 ///
308 void solveUleftNoNZ(R eps, R* vec, R* rhs, int* rhsidx, int rhsn);
309 ///
310 int solveLleftForest(R eps, R* vec, int* nonz, int n);
311 ///
313 ///
314 int solveLleft(R eps, R* vec, int* nonz, int rn);
315 ///
316 void solveLleftNoNZ(R* vec);
317 ///
318 int solveUpdateLeft(R eps, R* vec, int* nonz, int n);
320 ///
322 ///
323 void forestMinColMem(int size);
324 ///
325 void forestReMaxCol(int col, int len);
327 ///
328 void initPerm();
329 ///
330 void initFactorMatrix(const SVectorBase<R>** vec, const R eps);
331 ///
332 void minLMem(int size);
333 ///
334 void setPivot(const int p_stage, const int p_col, const int p_row, const R val);
335 ///
337 ///
340 ///
342 ///
345 ///
347 ///
350 ///
352 ///
354 ///
355 void selectPivots(R threshold);
356 ///
357 int updateRow(int r, int lv, int prow, int pcol, R pval, R eps);
359 ///
360 void eliminatePivot(int prow, int pos, R eps);
361 ///
362 void eliminateNucleus(const R eps, const R threshold);
363 ///
364 void minRowMem(int size);
365 ///
366 void minColMem(int size);
367 ///
368 void remaxCol(int p_col, int len);
369 ///
370 void packRows();
371 ///
373 ///
374 void remaxRow(int p_row, int len);
375 ///
376 int makeLvec(int p_len, int p_row);
377 ///@}
381 //----------------------------------------
382 /**@name Solver methods */
383 ///@{
384 ///
385 void solveLright(R* vec);
386 ///
387 int solveRight4update(R* vec, int* nonz, R eps, R* rhs,
388 R* forest, int* forestNum, int* forestIdx);
389 ///
390 void solveRight(R* vec, R* rhs);
391 ///
392 int solveRight2update(R* vec1, R* vec2, R* rhs1,
393 R* rhs2, int* nonz, R eps, R* forest, int* forestNum, int* forestIdx);
394 ///
395 void solveRight2(R* vec1, R* vec2, R* rhs1, R* rhs2);
396 ///
397 void solveLeft(R* vec, R* rhs);
398 ///
399 int solveLeftEps(R* vec, R* rhs, int* nonz, R eps);
400 ///
401 int solveLeft2(R* vec1, int* nonz, R* vec2, R eps, R* rhs1, R* rhs2);
403 ///
405 R* vec, int* idx, /* result */
406 R* rhs, int* ridx, int rn, /* rhs & Forest */
407 R* forest, int* forestNum, int* forestIdx);
408 ///
410 R* vec, int* idx, /* result1 */
411 R* rhs, int* ridx, int rn, /* rhs1 */
412 R* vec2, R eps2, /* result2 */
413 R* rhs2, int* ridx2, int rn2, /* rhs2 */
414 R* forest, int* forestNum, int* forestIdx);
415 /// sparse version of above method
417 R eps, R* vec, int* idx, /* result1 */
418 R* rhs, int* ridx, int& rn, /* rhs1 */
419 R eps2, R* vec2, int* idx2, /* result2 */
420 R* rhs2, int* ridx2, int& rn2, /* rhs2 */
421 R* forest, int* forestNum, int* forestIdx);
422 ///
424 R* vec, int* idx, /* result1 */
425 R* rhs, int* ridx, int rn, /* rhs1 */
426 R* vec2, R eps2, /* result2 */
427 R* rhs2, int* ridx2, int rn2, /* rhs2 */
428 R* vec3, R eps3, /* result3 */
429 R* rhs3, int* ridx3, int rn3, /* rhs3 */
430 R* forest, int* forestNum, int* forestIdx);
431 /// sparse version of above method
433 R eps, R* vec, int* idx, /* result1 */
434 R* rhs, int* ridx, int& rn, /* rhs1 */
435 R eps2, R* vec2, int* idx2, /* result2 */
436 R* rhs2, int* ridx2, int& rn2, /* rhs2 */
437 R eps3, R* vec3, int* idx3, /* result3 */
438 R* rhs3, int* ridx3, int& rn3, /* rhs3 */
439 R* forest, int* forestNum, int* forestIdx);
440 ///
441 void vSolveRightNoNZ(R* vec, R eps, /* result */
442 R* rhs, int* ridx, int rn); /* rhs */
443 ///
444 int vSolveLeft(R eps,
445 R* vec, int* idx, /* result */
446 R* rhs, int* ridx, int rn); /* rhs */
447 ///
448 void vSolveLeftNoNZ(R eps,
449 R* vec, /* result */
450 R* rhs, int* ridx, int rn); /* rhs */
451 ///
452 int vSolveLeft2(R eps,
453 R* vec, int* idx, /* result */
454 R* rhs, int* ridx, int rn, /* rhs */
455 R* vec2, /* result2 */
456 R* rhs2, int* ridx2, int rn2); /* rhs2 */
457 /// sparse version of solving 2 systems of equations
459 R* vec, int* idx, /* result */
460 R* rhs, int* ridx, int& rn, /* rhs */
461 R* vec2, int* idx2, /* result2 */
462 R* rhs2, int* ridx2, int& rn2); /* rhs2 */
463 ///
464 int vSolveLeft3(R eps,
465 R* vec, int* idx, /* result */
466 R* rhs, int* ridx, int rn, /* rhs */
467 R* vec2, /* result2 */
468 R* rhs2, int* ridx2, int rn2, /* rhs2 */
469 R* vec3, /* result3 */
470 R* rhs3, int* ridx3, int rn3); /* rhs3 */
471 /// sparse version of solving 3 systems of equations
473 R* vec, int* idx, /* result */
474 R* rhs, int* ridx, int& rn, /* rhs */
475 R* vec2, int* idx2, /* result2 */
476 R* rhs2, int* ridx2, int& rn2, /* rhs2 */
477 R* vec3, int* idx3, /* result2 */
478 R* rhs3, int* ridx3, int& rn3); /* rhs2 */
480 void forestUpdate(int col, R* work, int num, int* nonz);
482 void update(int p_col, R* p_work, const int* p_idx, int num);
483 void updateNoClear(int p_col, const R* p_work, const int* p_idx, int num);
485 ///
486 void factor(const SVectorBase<R>** vec, ///< Array of column VectorBase<R> pointers
487 R threshold, ///< pivoting threshold
488 R eps ///< epsilon for zero detection
489 );
490 ///@}
492 //----------------------------------------
493 /**@name Debugging */
494 ///@{
495 ///
496 void dump() const;
498 ///
499 bool isConsistent() const;
500 ///@}
503} // namespace soplex
505// For general templated functions
506#include "clufactor.hpp"
508#endif // _CLUFACTOR_H_
int mkwtz
markowitz number of pivot
Definition: clufactor.h:85
int pos
position of pivot column in row
Definition: clufactor.h:84
Pring & operator=(const Pring &)
blocked assignment operator
Pring(const Pring &)
blocked copy constructor
int idx
index of pivot row
Definition: clufactor.h:83
Temporary data structures.
Definition: clufactor.h:107
Pring * pivot_row
row index handlers for R linked list
Definition: clufactor.h:116
int stage
stage of the structure
Definition: clufactor.h:112
Pring * pivot_rowNZ
lists for rows to number of nonzeros
Definition: clufactor.h:117
Temp & operator=(const Temp &)
blocked assignment operator
std::vector< R > s_max
maximum absolute value per row (or -1)
Definition: clufactor.h:110
int * s_cact
lengths of columns of active submatrix
Definition: clufactor.h:111
Temp(const Temp &)
blocked copy constructor
Pring * pivot_colNZ
lists for columns to number of nonzeros
Definition: clufactor.h:115
void clear()
clears the structure
Pring * pivot_col
column index handlers for R linked list
Definition: clufactor.h:114
void init(int p_dim)
Pring pivots
ring of selected pivot rows
Definition: clufactor.h:113
Implementation of sparse LU factorization.
Definition: clufactor.h:50
void solveUpdateRight(R *vec)
void selectPivots(R threshold)
R rowMemMult
factor of minimum Memory * number of nonzeros
Definition: clufactor.h:214
void solveLright(R *vec)
U u
U matrix.
Definition: clufactor.h:223
int solveUpdateLeft(R eps, R *vec, int *nonz, int n)
int solveLeft2(R *vec1, int *nonz, R *vec2, R eps, R *rhs1, R *rhs2)
void eliminateRowSingletons()
R maxabs
maximum abs number in L and U
Definition: clufactor.h:212
void vSolveRight4update3sparse(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int &rn, R eps2, R *vec2, int *idx2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int &rn2, R eps3, R *vec3, int *idx3, R *rhs3, int *ridx3, int &rn3, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)
sparse version of above method
void solveUright2(R *work1, R *vec1, R *work2, R *vec2)
void setPivot(const int p_stage, const int p_col, const int p_row, const R val)
void forestPackColumns()
void minRowMem(int size)
void solveUpdateLeft2(R *vec1, R *vec2)
R lMemMult
factor of minimum Memory * number of nonzeros
Definition: clufactor.h:216
int solveUrightEps(R *vec, int *nonz, R eps, R *rhs)
void minLMem(int size)
void remaxCol(int p_col, int len)
int vSolveUpdateRight(R *vec, int *ridx, int n, R eps)
R colMemMult
factor of minimum Memory * number of nonzeros
Definition: clufactor.h:215
void solveLleftNoNZ(R *vec)
int solveRight4update(R *vec, int *nonz, R eps, R *rhs, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)
int vSolveUright(R *vec, int *vidx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R eps)
void solveUleft(R *work, R *vec)
bool isConsistent() const
void vSolveUpdateRightNoNZ(R *vec, R)
int vSolveRight4update2(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R *vec2, R eps2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int rn2, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)
void updateNoClear(int p_col, const R *p_work, const int *p_idx, int num)
void updateSolutionVectorLright(R change, int j, R &vec, int *idx, int &nnz)
const std::shared_ptr< Tolerances > tolerances() const
get tolerances
Definition: clufactor.h:59
int vSolveRight4update3(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R *vec2, R eps2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int rn2, R *vec3, R eps3, R *rhs3, int *ridx3, int rn3, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)
void solveLright2(R *vec1, R *vec2)
std::vector< R > diag
Array of pivot elements.
Definition: clufactor.h:222
void vSolveRightNoNZ(R *vec, R eps, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn)
void solveRight2(R *vec1, R *vec2, R *rhs1, R *rhs2)
void vSolveUrightNoNZ(R *vec, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R eps)
void vSolveLright2(R *vec, int *ridx, int &rn, R eps, R *vec2, int *ridx2, int &rn2, R eps2)
int solveLleft2forest(R *vec1, int *, R *vec2, R)
void vSolveLeft3sparse(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int &rn, R *vec2, int *idx2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int &rn2, R *vec3, int *idx3, R *rhs3, int *ridx3, int &rn3)
sparse version of solving 3 systems of equations
int solveLeftEps(R *vec, R *rhs, int *nonz, R eps)
void solveRight(R *vec, R *rhs)
R initMaxabs
maximum abs number in initail Matrix
Definition: clufactor.h:211
int factorCount
Number of factorizations.
Definition: clufactor.h:228
int solveRight2update(R *vec1, R *vec2, R *rhs1, R *rhs2, int *nonz, R eps, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)
int solveUright2eps(R *work1, R *vec1, R *work2, R *vec2, int *nonz, R eps)
std::shared_ptr< Tolerances > _tolerances
Tolerances for the factorization.
Definition: clufactor.h:230
void solveUright(R *wrk, R *vec) const
Timer * factorTime
Time spent in factorizations.
Definition: clufactor.h:227
void solveUpdateLeft(R *vec)
int makeLvec(int p_len, int p_row)
void eliminatePivot(int prow, int pos, R eps)
Perm col
column permutation matrices
Definition: clufactor.h:219
Temp temp
Temporary storage.
Definition: clufactor.h:238
int vSolveLeft(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn)
int solveLleftForest(R eps, R *vec, int *nonz, int n)
Perm row
row permutation matrices
Definition: clufactor.h:218
int vSolveLeft3(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R *vec2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int rn2, R *vec3, R *rhs3, int *ridx3, int rn3)
void vSolveLright(R *vec, int *ridx, int &rn, R eps)
void setTolerances(std::shared_ptr< Tolerances > tolerances)
set tolerances
Definition: clufactor.h:54
L l
L matrix.
Definition: clufactor.h:221
void solveLleft(R *vec) const
void solveLleftForestNoNZ(R *vec)
void solveUleft2(R *work1, R *vec1, R *work2, R *vec2)
int vSolveUright2(R *vec, int *vidx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R eps, R *vec2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int rn2, R eps2)
void forestReMaxCol(int col, int len)
int hugeValues
number of times huge values occurred during solve (only used in debug mode)
Definition: clufactor.h:229
R * work
Working array: must always be left as 0!
Definition: clufactor.h:225
void initFactorMatrix(const SVectorBase< R > **vec, const R eps)
SLinSolver< R >::Status stat
Status indicator.
Definition: clufactor.h:207
int solveUleft(R eps, R *vec, int *vecidx, R *rhs, int *rhsidx, int rhsn)
void minColMem(int size)
int solveLleftForest(R *vec, int *, R)
void vSolveLright3(R *vec, int *ridx, int &rn, R eps, R *vec2, int *ridx2, int &rn2, R eps2, R *vec3, int *ridx3, int &rn3, R eps3)
void forestUpdate(int col, R *work, int num, int *nonz)
void solveLleft2(R *vec1, int *, R *vec2, R)
int solveLleft(R eps, R *vec, int *nonz, int rn)
void vSolveLeftNoNZ(R eps, R *vec, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn)
int vSolveRight4update(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)
int thedim
dimension of factorized matrix
Definition: clufactor.h:209
void eliminateColSingletons()
int solveLleftEps(R *vec, int *nonz, R eps)
void vSolveRight4update2sparse(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int &rn, R eps2, R *vec2, int *idx2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int &rn2, R *forest, int *forestNum, int *forestIdx)
sparse version of above method
void eliminateNucleus(const R eps, const R threshold)
void forestMinColMem(int size)
void update(int p_col, R *p_work, const int *p_idx, int num)
void solveUleftNoNZ(R eps, R *vec, R *rhs, int *rhsidx, int rhsn)
void remaxRow(int p_row, int len)
void vSolveLeft2sparse(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int &rn, R *vec2, int *idx2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int &rn2)
sparse version of solving 2 systems of equations
int vSolveLeft2(R eps, R *vec, int *idx, R *rhs, int *ridx, int rn, R *vec2, R *rhs2, int *ridx2, int rn2)
void dump() const
int updateRow(int r, int lv, int prow, int pcol, R pval, R eps)
int nzCnt
number of nonzeros in U
Definition: clufactor.h:210
void solveUpdateRight2(R *vec1, R *vec2)
void solveLeft(R *vec, R *rhs)
void factor(const SVectorBase< R > **vec, R threshold, R eps)
status flags of the SLinSolver class.
Definition: slinsolver.h:61
Sparse vectors.
Definition: svectorbase.h:140
Wrapper for the system time query methods.
Definition: timer.h:86
Everything should be within this namespace.
Sparse Linear Solver virtual base class.
Debugging, floating point type and parameter definitions.
Data structures for saving the working matrix and L factor.
Definition: clufactor.h:181
int * rorig
original row permutation
Definition: clufactor.h:199
int * row
column indices of L vectors
Definition: clufactor.h:189
int startSize
size of array start
Definition: clufactor.h:185
int updateType
type of updates to be used.
Definition: clufactor.h:190
int size
size of arrays val and idx
Definition: clufactor.h:182
int * ridx
indices of rows of L
Definition: clufactor.h:197
int * rbeg
start of rows in rval and ridx
Definition: clufactor.h:198
int * rperm
original row permutation
Definition: clufactor.h:200
std::vector< R > val
values of L vectors
Definition: clufactor.h:183
int * idx
indices of L vectors
Definition: clufactor.h:184
int firstUpdate
number of first update L vector
Definition: clufactor.h:186
std::vector< R > rval
values of rows of L
Definition: clufactor.h:196
int * start
starting positions in val and idx
Definition: clufactor.h:188
int firstUnused
number of first unused L vector
Definition: clufactor.h:187
Data structures for saving the row and column permutations.
Definition: clufactor.h:131
int * orig
orig[p] original index from p
Definition: clufactor.h:132
int * perm
perm[i] permuted index from i
Definition: clufactor.h:133
int * max
maximum available nonzeros per colunn: start[i] + max[i] == start[elem[i].next->idx] len[i] <= max[i]...
Definition: clufactor.h:172
int * len
used nonzeros per column vector
Definition: clufactor.h:171
int size
size of array idx
Definition: clufactor.h:164
int used
used entries of array idx
Definition: clufactor.h:165
Dring * elem
Array of ring elements.
Definition: clufactor.h:163
std::vector< R > val
hold nonzero values: this is only initialized in the end of the factorization with DEFAULT updates.
Definition: clufactor.h:167
Dring list
Double linked ringlist of VectorBase<R> indices in the order they appear in the column file
Definition: clufactor.h:160
int * idx
hold row indices of nonzeros
Definition: clufactor.h:166
int * start
starting positions in val and idx
Definition: clufactor.h:170
int * max
maximum available nonzeros per row: start[i] + max[i] == start[elem[i].next->idx] len[i] <= max[i].
Definition: clufactor.h:152
int * len
used nonzeros per row vectors
Definition: clufactor.h:151
int size
size of arrays val and idx
Definition: clufactor.h:146
int used
used entries of arrays idx and val
Definition: clufactor.h:147
Dring * elem
Array of ring elements.
Definition: clufactor.h:145
std::vector< R > val
hold nonzero values
Definition: clufactor.h:148
Dring list
Double linked ringlist of VectorBase<R> indices in the order they appear in the row file
Definition: clufactor.h:142
int * idx
hold column indices of nonzeros
Definition: clufactor.h:149
int * start
starting positions in val and idx
Definition: clufactor.h:150
Data structures for saving the working matrix and U factor.
Definition: clufactor.h:138
struct soplex::CLUFactor::U::Col col
struct soplex::CLUFactor::U::Row row
Sparse vectors.
Timer class.