

Sequential object-oriented simPlex

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1/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2/* */
3/* This file is part of the class library */
4/* SoPlex --- the Sequential object-oriented simPlex. */
5/* */
6/* Copyright (c) 1996-2025 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) */
7/* */
8/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
9/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
10/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
11/* */
12/* */
13/* */
14/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
15/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
16/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */
17/* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */
18/* limitations under the License. */
19/* */
20/* You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 license */
21/* along with SoPlex; see the file LICENSE. If not email to */
22/* */
23/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
25/**@file lpcolsetbase.h
26 * @brief Set of LP columns.
27 */
28#ifndef _LPCOLSETBASE_H_
29#define _LPCOLSETBASE_H_
31#include <assert.h>
33#include "soplex/spxdefines.h"
34#include "soplex/basevectors.h"
35#include "soplex/datakey.h"
36#include "soplex/lpcolbase.h"
38namespace soplex
40/**@brief Set of LP columns.
41 * @ingroup Algebra
42 *
43 * Class LPColSetBase implements a set of \ref LPColBase "LPColBase%s". Unless for memory limitations, any number of LPColBase%s may be
44 * #add%ed to an LPColSetBase. Single or multiple LPColBase%s may be #add%ed to an LPColSetBase, where each method add() comes with
45 * two different signatures. One with and one without a parameter, used for returning the \ref DataKey "DataKeys"
46 * assigned to the new LPColBase%s by the set. See DataKey for a more detailed description of the concept of keys. For the
47 * concept of renumbering LPColBase%s within an LPColSetBase after removal of some LPColBase%s, see DataSet.
48 *
49 * @see DataSet, DataKey
50 */
51template < class R >
52class LPColSetBase : protected SVSetBase<R>
54 template < class S > friend class LPColSetBase;
58 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 /**@name Data */
60 ///@{
62 VectorBase<R> low; ///< vector of lower bounds.
63 VectorBase<R> up; ///< vector of upper bounds.
64 VectorBase<R> object; ///< vector of objective coefficients.
66 ///@}
70 DataArray < int > scaleExp; ///< column scaling factors (stored as bitshift)
72 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 /**@name Protected helpers */
74 ///@{
76 /// Returns the complete SVSetBase.
77 const SVSetBase<R>* colSet() const
78 {
79 return this;
80 }
82 ///@}
86 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
87 /**@name Inquiry */
88 ///@{
90 /// Returns the number of LPColBase%s currently in LPColSetBase.
91 int num() const
92 {
93 return SVSetBase<R>::num();
94 }
96 /// Returns maximum number of LPColBase%s currently fitting into LPColSetBase.
97 int max() const
98 {
99 return SVSetBase<R>::max();
100 }
102 ///
103 const VectorBase<R>& maxObj() const
104 {
105 return object;
106 }
108 /// Returns vector of objective values w.r.t. maximization.
110 {
111 return object;
112 }
114 ///
115 const R& maxObj(int i) const
116 {
117 return object[i];
118 }
120 /// Returns objective value (w.r.t. maximization) of \p i 'th LPColBase in LPColSetBase.
121 R& maxObj_w(int i)
122 {
123 return object[i];
124 }
126 ///
127 const R& maxObj(const DataKey& k) const
128 {
129 return object[number(k)];
130 }
132 /// Returns objective value (w.r.t. maximization) of LPColBase with DataKey \p k in LPColSetBase.
133 R& maxObj_w(const DataKey& k)
134 {
135 return object[number(k)];
136 }
138 ///
139 const VectorBase<R>& lower() const
140 {
141 return low;
142 }
144 /// Returns vector of lower bound values.
146 {
147 return low;
148 }
150 ///
151 const R& lower(int i) const
152 {
153 return low[i];
154 }
156 /// Returns lower bound of \p i 'th LPColBase in LPColSetBase.
157 R& lower_w(int i)
158 {
159 return low[i];
160 }
162 ///
163 const R& lower(const DataKey& k) const
164 {
165 return low[number(k)];
166 }
168 /// Returns lower bound of LPColBase with DataKey \p k in LPColSetBase.
169 R& lower_w(const DataKey& k)
170 {
171 return low[number(k)];
172 }
174 ///
175 const VectorBase<R>& upper() const
176 {
177 return up;
178 }
180 /// Returns vector of upper bound values.
182 {
183 return up;
184 }
186 ///
187 const R& upper(int i) const
188 {
189 return up[i];
190 }
192 /// Returns upper bound of \p i 'th LPColBase in LPColSetBase.
193 R& upper_w(int i)
194 {
195 return up[i];
196 }
198 ///
199 const R& upper(const DataKey& k) const
200 {
201 return up[number(k)];
202 }
204 /// Returns upper bound of LPColBase with DataKey \p k in LPColSetBase.
205 R& upper_w(const DataKey& k)
206 {
207 return up[number(k)];
208 }
210 ///
212 {
213 return SVSetBase<R>::operator[](i);
214 }
216 /// Returns colVector of \p i 'th LPColBase in LPColSetBase.
217 const SVectorBase<R>& colVector(int i) const
218 {
219 return SVSetBase<R>::operator[](i);
220 }
222 /// Returns writeable colVector of LPColBase with DataKey \p k in LPColSetBase.
224 {
225 return SVSetBase<R>::operator[](k);
226 }
228 /// Returns colVector of LPColBase with DataKey \p k in LPColSetBase.
229 const SVectorBase<R>& colVector(const DataKey& k) const
230 {
231 return SVSetBase<R>::operator[](k);
232 }
234 /// Returns DataKey of \p i 'th LPColBase in LPColSetBase.
235 DataKey key(int i) const
236 {
237 return SVSetBase<R>::key(i);
238 }
240 /// Returns number of LPColBase with DataKey \p k in LPColSetBase.
241 int number(const DataKey& k) const
242 {
243 return SVSetBase<R>::number(k);
244 }
246 /// Does DataKey \p k belong to LPColSetBase ?
247 bool has(const DataKey& k) const
248 {
249 return SVSetBase<R>::has(k);
250 }
252 ///@}
254 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
255 /**@name Extension
256 *
257 * All extension methods come with two signatures, one of which providing a parameter to return the assigned
258 * DataKey(s). See DataSet for a more detailed description. All extension methods are designed to automatically
259 * reallocate memory if required.
260 */
261 ///@{
263 ///
264 void add(const LPColBase<R>& pcol)
265 {
266 DataKey k;
267 add(k, pcol);
268 }
270 /// Adds p pcol to LPColSetBase.
271 void add(DataKey& pkey, const LPColBase<R>& pcol)
272 {
273 add(pkey, pcol.obj(), pcol.lower(), pcol.colVector(), pcol.upper());
274 }
276 ///
277 void add(const R& pobj, const R& plower, const SVectorBase<R>& pcolVector, const R& pupper,
278 const int& pscaleExp = 0)
279 {
280 DataKey k;
281 add(k, pobj, plower, pcolVector, pupper, pscaleExp);
282 }
284 /// Adds LPColBase consisting of objective value \p obj, lower bound \p lower, column vector \p colVector and upper bound \p upper to LPColSetBase.
285 void add(DataKey& newkey, const R& obj, const R& newlower, const SVectorBase<R>& newcolVector,
286 const R& newupper, const int& newscaleExp = 0)
287 {
288 SVSetBase<R>::add(newkey, newcolVector);
290 if(num() > low.dim())
291 {
292 low.reDim(num());
293 up.reDim(num());
294 object.reDim(num());
296 }
298 low[num() - 1] = newlower;
299 up[num() - 1] = newupper;
300 object[num() - 1] = obj;
301 scaleExp[num() - 1] = newscaleExp;
302 }
304 /// Adds LPColBase consisting of left hand side \p lhs, column vector \p colVector, and right hand side \p rhs to LPColSetBase.
305 template < class S >
306 void add(const S* obj, const S* lowerValue, const S* colValues, const int* colIndices, int colSize,
307 const S* upperValue)
308 {
309 DataKey k;
310 add(k, obj, lowerValue, colValues, colIndices, colSize, upperValue);
311 }
313 /// Adds LPColBase consisting of left hand side \p lhs, column vector \p colVector, and right hand side \p rhs to
314 /// LPColSetBase, with DataKey \p key.
315 template < class S >
316 void add(DataKey& newkey, const S* objValue, const S* lowerValue, const S* colValues,
317 const int* colIndices, int colSize, const S* upperValue)
318 {
319 SVSetBase<R>::add(newkey, colValues, colIndices, colSize);
321 if(num() > low.dim())
322 {
323 low.reDim(num());
324 up.reDim(num());
325 object.reDim(num());
326 }
328 low[num() - 1] = *lowerValue;
329 up[num() - 1] = *upperValue;
330 object[num() - 1] = *objValue;
331 }
333 ///
334 void add(const LPColSetBase<R>& newset)
335 {
336 int i = num();
338 SVSetBase<R>::add(newset);
340 if(num() > low.dim())
341 {
342 low.reDim(num());
343 up.reDim(num());
344 object.reDim(num());
346 }
348 for(int j = 0; i < num(); ++i, ++j)
349 {
350 low[i] = newset.lower(j);
351 up[i] = newset.upper(j);
352 object[i] = newset.maxObj(j);
353 scaleExp[i] = newset.scaleExp[j];
354 }
355 }
357 /// Adds all LPColBase%s of \p set to LPColSetBase.
358 void add(DataKey keys[], const LPColSetBase<R>& newset)
359 {
360 int i = num();
362 add(newset);
364 for(int j = 0; i < num(); ++i, ++j)
365 keys[j] = key(i);
366 }
368 /// Extends column \p n to fit \p newmax nonzeros.
369 void xtend(int n, int newmax)
370 {
372 }
374 /// Extends column with DataKey \p key to fit \p newmax nonzeros.
375 void xtend(const DataKey& pkey, int pnewmax)
376 {
377 SVSetBase<R>::xtend(colVector_w(pkey), pnewmax);
378 }
380 ///
381 void add2(const DataKey& k, int n, const int idx[], const R val[])
382 {
383 SVSetBase<R>::add2(colVector_w(k), n, idx, val);
384 }
386 /// Adds \p n nonzero (\p idx, \p val)-pairs to \p i 'th colVector.
387 void add2(int i, int n, const int idx[], const R val[])
388 {
389 SVSetBase<R>::add2(colVector_w(i), n, idx, val);
390 }
392 /// Adds \p n nonzero (\p idx, \p val)-pairs to \p i 'th colVector.
393 template < class S >
394 void add2(int i, int n, const int idx[], const S val[])
395 {
396 SVSetBase<R>::add2(colVector_w(i), n, idx, val);
397 }
399 ///
400 SVectorBase<R>& create(int pnonzeros = 0, const R& pobj = 1, const R& plw = 0, const R& pupp = 1,
401 const int& pscaleExp = 0)
402 {
403 DataKey k;
404 return create(k, pnonzeros, pobj, plw, pupp, pscaleExp);
405 }
407 /// Creates new LPColBase with specified arguments and returns a reference to its column vector.
408 SVectorBase<R>& create(DataKey& newkey, int nonzeros = 0, const R& obj = 1, const R& newlow = 0,
409 const R& newup = 1, const int& newscaleExp = 0)
410 {
411 if(num() + 1 > low.dim())
412 {
413 low.reDim(num() + 1);
414 up.reDim(num() + 1);
415 object.reDim(num() + 1);
416 scaleExp.reSize(num() + 1);
417 }
419 low[num()] = newlow;
420 up[num()] = newup;
421 object[num()] = obj;
422 scaleExp[num()] = newscaleExp;
424 return *SVSetBase<R>::create(newkey, nonzeros);
425 }
427 ///@}
430 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
431 /**@name Shrinking
432 *
433 * See DataSet for a description of the renumbering of the remaining LPColBase%s in a LPColSetBase after the call of
434 * a removal method.
435 */
436 ///@{
438 /// Removes \p i 'th LPColBase.
439 void remove(int i)
440 {
442 low[i] = low[num()];
443 up[i] = up[num()];
444 object[i] = object[num()];
445 scaleExp[i] = scaleExp[num()];
446 low.reDim(num());
447 up.reDim(num());
448 object.reDim(num());
450 }
452 /// Removes LPColBase with DataKey \p k.
453 void remove(const DataKey& k)
454 {
455 remove(number(k));
456 }
458 /// Removes multiple elements.
459 void remove(int perm[])
460 {
461 int n = num();
465 for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
466 {
467 if(perm[i] >= 0 && perm[i] != i)
468 {
469 low[perm[i]] = low[i];
470 up[perm[i]] = up[i];
471 object[perm[i]] = object[i];
472 scaleExp[perm[i]] = scaleExp[i];
473 }
474 }
476 low.reDim(num());
477 up.reDim(num());
478 object.reDim(num());
480 }
482 /// Removes LPColBase%s with numbers \p nums, where \p n is the length of the array \p nums
483 void remove(const int nums[], int n)
484 {
485 DataArray < int > perm(num());
486 remove(nums, n, perm.get_ptr());
487 }
489 /// Removes LPColBase%s with numbers \p nums, where \p n is the length of the array \p nums, and stores the index permutation in array \p perm.
490 void remove(const int nums[], int n, int* perm)
491 {
492 SVSetBase<R>::remove(nums, n, perm);
494 int j = num();
496 for(int i = 0; i < j; ++i)
497 {
498 if(perm[i] >= 0 && perm[i] != i)
499 {
500 low[perm[i]] = low[i];
501 up[perm[i]] = up[i];
502 object[perm[i]] = object[i];
503 scaleExp[perm[i]] = scaleExp[i];
504 }
505 }
507 low.reDim(num());
508 up.reDim(num());
509 object.reDim(num());
511 }
513 /// Removes all LPColBase%s from the set.
514 void clear()
515 {
517 low.reDim(num());
518 up.reDim(num());
519 object.reDim(num());
520 scaleExp.clear();
521 }
523 ///@}
525 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
526 /**@name Memory Management
527 * See SVSet for a description of the memory management methods.
528 */
529 ///@{
531 /// Reallocates memory to be able to store \p newmax LPColBase%s.
532 void reMax(int newmax = 0)
533 {
534 SVSetBase<R>::reMax(newmax);
535 up.reSize(max());
536 low.reSize(max());
537 object.reSize(max());
539 }
541 /// Returns used nonzero memory.
542 int memSize() const
543 {
544 return SVSetBase<R>::memSize();
545 }
547 /// Returns length of nonzero memory.
548 int memMax() const
549 {
550 return SVSetBase<R>::memMax();
551 }
553 /// Resets length of nonzero memory.
554 void memRemax(int newmax)
555 {
557 }
559 /// Garbage collection in nonzero memory.
560 void memPack()
561 {
563 }
565 ///@}
567 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
568 /**@name Miscellaneous */
569 ///@{
571 /// Checks consistency.
572 bool isConsistent() const
573 {
576 if(low.dim() != object.dim())
577 return SPX_MSG_INCONSISTENT("LPColSetBase");
579 if(low.dim() != up.dim())
580 return SPX_MSG_INCONSISTENT("LPColSetBase");
582 if(low.dim() != num())
583 return SPX_MSG_INCONSISTENT("LPColSetBase");
585 return low.isConsistent() && up.isConsistent() && SVSetBase<R>::isConsistent();
587 return true;
589 }
591 ///@}
593 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
594 /**@name Constructors / Destructors */
595 ///@{
597 /// Default constructor.
598 /** The user can specify the initial maximum number of columns \p max and the initial maximum number of nonzero
599 * entries \p memmax. If these parameters are omitted, a default size is used. However, one can add an arbitrary
600 * number of columns to the LPColSetBase, which may result in automated memory realllocation.
601 */
602 explicit
603 LPColSetBase(int pmax = -1, int pmemmax = -1)
604 : SVSetBase<R>(pmax, pmemmax), low(0), up(0), object(0), scaleExp(0)
605 {
606 assert(isConsistent());
607 }
609 /// Assignment operator.
611 {
612 if(this != &rs)
613 {
615 low = rs.low;
616 up = rs.up;
617 object = rs.object;
618 scaleExp = rs.scaleExp;
620 assert(isConsistent());
621 }
623 return *this;
624 }
626 /// Assignment operator.
627 template < class S >
629 {
630 if(this != (const LPColSetBase<R>*)(&rs))
631 {
633 low = rs.low;
634 up = rs.up;
635 object = rs.object;
636 scaleExp = rs.scaleExp;
638 assert(isConsistent());
639 }
641 return *this;
642 }
644 /// Copy constructor.
646 : SVSetBase<R>(rs)
647 , low(rs.low)
648 , up(rs.up)
649 , object(rs.object)
650 , scaleExp(rs.scaleExp)
651 {
652 assert(isConsistent());
653 }
655 /// Copy constructor.
656 template < class S >
658 : SVSetBase<R>(rs)
659 , low(rs.low)
660 , up(rs.up)
661 , object(rs.object)
662 , scaleExp(rs.scaleExp)
663 {
664 assert(isConsistent());
665 }
667 /// Destructor.
669 {}
671 ///@}
674} // namespace soplex
675#endif // _LPCOLSETBASE_H_
Collection of dense, sparse, and semi-sparse vectors.
void clear()
Removes all elements.
Definition: classarray.h:211
T * get_ptr()
get a C pointer to the data.
Definition: dataarray.h:123
void reSize(int newsize)
reset size to newsize.
Definition: dataarray.h:239
void clear()
remove all elements.
Definition: dataarray.h:221
Entry identifier class for items of a DataSet.
Definition: datakey.h:56
LP column.
Definition: lpcolbase.h:55
R upper() const
Gets upper bound.
Definition: lpcolbase.h:148
const SVectorBase< R > & colVector() const
Gets constraint column vector.
Definition: lpcolbase.h:171
R lower() const
Gets lower bound.
Definition: lpcolbase.h:160
R obj() const
Gets objective value.
Definition: lpcolbase.h:136
Set of LP columns.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:53
void remove(const DataKey &k)
Removes LPColBase with DataKey k.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:453
void remove(int i)
Removes i 'th LPColBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:439
SVectorBase< R > & colVector_w(const DataKey &k)
Returns writeable colVector of LPColBase with DataKey k in LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:223
void add(DataKey &newkey, const S *objValue, const S *lowerValue, const S *colValues, const int *colIndices, int colSize, const S *upperValue)
Adds LPColBase consisting of left hand side lhs, column vector colVector, and right hand side rhs to ...
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:316
VectorBase< R > & lower_w()
Returns vector of lower bound values.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:145
void add(DataKey &newkey, const R &obj, const R &newlower, const SVectorBase< R > &newcolVector, const R &newupper, const int &newscaleExp=0)
Adds LPColBase consisting of objective value obj, lower bound lower, column vector colVector and uppe...
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:285
LPColSetBase< R > & operator=(const LPColSetBase< R > &rs)
Assignment operator.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:610
R & upper_w(const DataKey &k)
Returns upper bound of LPColBase with DataKey k in LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:205
const R & maxObj(int i) const
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:115
SVectorBase< R > & create(DataKey &newkey, int nonzeros=0, const R &obj=1, const R &newlow=0, const R &newup=1, const int &newscaleExp=0)
Creates new LPColBase with specified arguments and returns a reference to its column vector.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:408
VectorBase< R > & maxObj_w()
Returns vector of objective values w.r.t. maximization.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:109
const VectorBase< R > & maxObj() const
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:103
const VectorBase< R > & lower() const
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:139
bool isConsistent() const
Checks consistency.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:572
LPColSetBase(const LPColSetBase< S > &rs)
Copy constructor.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:657
LPColSetBase(int pmax=-1, int pmemmax=-1)
Default constructor.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:603
void add2(int i, int n, const int idx[], const S val[])
Adds n nonzero (idx, val)-pairs to i 'th colVector.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:394
void add(DataKey keys[], const LPColSetBase< R > &newset)
Adds all LPColBases of set to LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:358
R & maxObj_w(const DataKey &k)
Returns objective value (w.r.t. maximization) of LPColBase with DataKey k in LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:133
void add(const S *obj, const S *lowerValue, const S *colValues, const int *colIndices, int colSize, const S *upperValue)
Adds LPColBase consisting of left hand side lhs, column vector colVector, and right hand side rhs to ...
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:306
VectorBase< R > low
vector of lower bounds.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:62
DataKey key(int i) const
Returns DataKey of i 'th LPColBase in LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:235
void add2(const DataKey &k, int n, const int idx[], const R val[])
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:381
void add(DataKey &pkey, const LPColBase< R > &pcol)
Adds p pcol to LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:271
int memSize() const
Returns used nonzero memory.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:542
void remove(int perm[])
Removes multiple elements.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:459
int number(const DataKey &k) const
Returns number of LPColBase with DataKey k in LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:241
int max() const
Returns maximum number of LPColBases currently fitting into LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:97
const R & upper(const DataKey &k) const
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:199
R & lower_w(int i)
Returns lower bound of i 'th LPColBase in LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:157
const R & upper(int i) const
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:187
R & upper_w(int i)
Returns upper bound of i 'th LPColBase in LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:193
DataArray< int > scaleExp
column scaling factors (stored as bitshift)
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:70
const SVSetBase< R > * colSet() const
Returns the complete SVSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:77
void remove(const int nums[], int n, int *perm)
Removes LPColBases with numbers nums, where n is the length of the array nums, and stores the index p...
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:490
VectorBase< R > object
vector of objective coefficients.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:64
const R & lower(const DataKey &k) const
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:163
SVectorBase< R > & colVector_w(int i)
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:211
VectorBase< R > up
vector of upper bounds.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:63
int memMax() const
Returns length of nonzero memory.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:548
void memRemax(int newmax)
Resets length of nonzero memory.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:554
const R & lower(int i) const
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:151
int num() const
Returns the number of LPColBases currently in LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:91
void xtend(int n, int newmax)
Extends column n to fit newmax nonzeros.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:369
SVectorBase< R > & create(int pnonzeros=0, const R &pobj=1, const R &plw=0, const R &pupp=1, const int &pscaleExp=0)
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:400
bool has(const DataKey &k) const
Does DataKey k belong to LPColSetBase ?
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:247
void add2(int i, int n, const int idx[], const R val[])
Adds n nonzero (idx, val)-pairs to i 'th colVector.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:387
VectorBase< R > & upper_w()
Returns vector of upper bound values.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:181
void add(const R &pobj, const R &plower, const SVectorBase< R > &pcolVector, const R &pupper, const int &pscaleExp=0)
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:277
R & lower_w(const DataKey &k)
Returns lower bound of LPColBase with DataKey k in LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:169
LPColSetBase(const LPColSetBase< R > &rs)
Copy constructor.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:645
void add(const LPColBase< R > &pcol)
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:264
void reMax(int newmax=0)
Reallocates memory to be able to store newmax LPColBases.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:532
void clear()
Removes all LPColBases from the set.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:514
R & maxObj_w(int i)
Returns objective value (w.r.t. maximization) of i 'th LPColBase in LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:121
void remove(const int nums[], int n)
Removes LPColBases with numbers nums, where n is the length of the array nums.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:483
void memPack()
Garbage collection in nonzero memory.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:560
const SVectorBase< R > & colVector(const DataKey &k) const
Returns colVector of LPColBase with DataKey k in LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:229
const VectorBase< R > & upper() const
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:175
virtual ~LPColSetBase()
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:668
void xtend(const DataKey &pkey, int pnewmax)
Extends column with DataKey key to fit newmax nonzeros.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:375
const R & maxObj(const DataKey &k) const
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:127
void add(const LPColSetBase< R > &newset)
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:334
LPColSetBase< R > & operator=(const LPColSetBase< S > &rs)
Assignment operator.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:628
const SVectorBase< R > & colVector(int i) const
Returns colVector of i 'th LPColBase in LPColSetBase.
Definition: lpcolsetbase.h:217
Sparse vector set.
Definition: svsetbase.h:73
void remove(const DataKey &removekey)
Removes the vector with key removekey from the set.
Definition: svsetbase.h:645
void xtend(SVectorBase< R > &svec, int newmax)
Extends svec to fit newmax nonzeros.
Definition: svsetbase.h:523
bool isConsistent() const
Consistency check.
Definition: svsetbase.h:981
void add2(SVectorBase< R > &svec, int idx, R val)
Adds nonzero (idx, val) to svec of this SVSetBase.
Definition: svsetbase.h:605
int memSize() const
Used nonzero memory.
Definition: svsetbase.h:858
SVectorBase< R > & operator[](int n)
Gets SVectorBase by number, writeable.
Definition: svsetbase.h:768
int number(const DataKey &k) const
Gets vector number of DataKey.
Definition: svsetbase.h:822
int max() const
Current maximum number of SVectorBases.
Definition: svsetbase.h:804
int memMax() const
Length of nonzero memory.
Definition: svsetbase.h:864
void memRemax(int newmax)
Reset length of nonzero memory.
Definition: svsetbase.h:870
int num() const
Current number of SVectorBases.
Definition: svsetbase.h:798
SVSetBase< R > & operator=(const SVSetBase< R > &rhs)
Assignment operator.
Definition: svsetbase.h:1030
bool has(const DataKey &k) const
True iff SVSetBase contains a SVectorBase for DataKey k.
Definition: svsetbase.h:834
void reMax(int newmax=0)
Resets maximum number of SVectorBases.
Definition: svsetbase.h:975
void memPack()
Garbage collection in nonzero memory.
Definition: svsetbase.h:923
DataKey key(int n) const
Gets DataKey of vector number.
Definition: svsetbase.h:810
SVectorBase< R > * create(int idxmax=0)
Creates new SVectorBase in set.
Definition: svsetbase.h:476
void add(const SVectorBase< R > &svec)
Adds svec to the set.
Definition: svsetbase.h:352
Sparse vectors.
Definition: svectorbase.h:140
Dense vector.
Definition: vectorbase.h:86
Entry identifier class for items of a DataSet.
LP column.
Everything should be within this namespace.
Debugging, floating point type and parameter definitions.
Definition: spxdefines.h:174