

Sequential object-oriented simPlex

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1/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2/* */
3/* This file is part of the class library */
4/* SoPlex --- the Sequential object-oriented simPlex. */
5/* */
6/* Copyright (c) 1996-2025 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) */
7/* */
8/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
9/* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
10/* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
11/* */
12/* */
13/* */
14/* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
15/* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
16/* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */
17/* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */
18/* limitations under the License. */
19/* */
20/* You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 license */
21/* along with SoPlex; see the file LICENSE. If not email to */
22/* */
23/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
25/**@file spxbasis.h
26 * @brief Simplex basis.
27 */
28#ifndef _SPXBASIS_H_
29#define _SPXBASIS_H_
31/* undefine SOPLEX_DEBUG flag from including files; if SOPLEX_DEBUG should be defined in this file, do so below */
37#include <assert.h>
38#include <iostream>
39#include <iomanip>
40#include <string.h>
41#include <sstream>
43#include "soplex/spxdefines.h"
44#include "soplex/spxlp.h"
45#include "soplex/svector.h"
46#include "soplex/ssvector.h"
47#include "soplex/dataarray.h"
48#include "soplex/slinsolver.h"
49#include "soplex/nameset.h"
50#include "soplex/spxout.h"
51#include "soplex/timerfactory.h"
55namespace soplex
57template <class R>
58class SPxSolverBase;
60/**@class SPxBasisBase
61 @brief Simplex basis.
62 @ingroup Algo
64 Consider the linear program as provided from class SPxLP:
65 \f[
66 \begin{array}{rl}
67 \hbox{max} & c^T x \\
68 \hbox{s.t.} & l_r \le Ax \le u_r \\
69 & l_c \le x \le u_c
70 \end{array}
71 \f]
72 where \f$c, l_c, u_c, x \in {\bf R}^n\f$, \f$l_r, u_r \in {\bf R}^m\f$ and
73 \f$A \in {\bf R}^{m \times n}\f$. Solving this LP with the simplex algorithm
74 requires the definition of a \em basis. Such can be defined as a set of
75 column vectors or a set of row vectors building a non-singular matrix. We
76 will refer to the first case as the \em columnwise \em representation and
77 the latter case will be called the \em rowwise \em representation. In both
78 cases, a \em basis is a set of vectors forming a non-singular matrix. The
79 dimension of the vectors is referred to as the basis' \em dimension,
80 whereas the number of vectors belonging to the LP is called the basis'
81 \em codimension.
83 Class SPxBasisBase is designed to represent a generic simplex basis, suitable
84 for both representations. At any time the representation can be changed by
85 calling method setRep().
87 Class SPxBasisBase provides methods for solving linear systems with the basis
88 matrix. However, SPxBasisBase does not provide a linear solver by its own.
89 Instead, a SLinSolver object must be #load%ed to a SPxBasisBase which will
90 be called for solving linear systems.
92template <class R> // theLP gets templated
97 /// basis status.
98 /** Each SPxBasisBase is assigned a status flag, which can take on of the
99 above values.
100 */
102 {
103 NO_PROBLEM = -2, ///< No Problem has been loaded to the basis.
104 SINGULAR = -1, ///< Basis is singular.
105 REGULAR = 0, ///< Basis is not known to be dual nor primal feasible.
106 DUAL = 1, ///< Basis is dual feasible.
107 PRIMAL = 2, ///< Basis is primal feasible.
108 OPTIMAL = 3, ///< Basis is optimal, i.e. dual and primal feasible.
109 UNBOUNDED = 4, ///< LP has been proven to be primal unbounded.
110 INFEASIBLE = 5 ///< LP has been proven to be primal infeasible.
111 };
114 /// Basis descriptor.
115 class Desc
116 {
117 public:
119 //------------------------------------
120 ///@name Status
121 ///@{
122 /// Status of a variable.
123 /** A basis is described by assigning a Status to all of the LP
124 variables and covariables. This assignment is maintained by the
125 basis #Desc%riptor.
127 Variables and covariables (slackvariables) may have a primal or dual Status. The
128 first type specifies that a variable is set on a primal bound, while
129 the latter type indicates a dual variable to be set on a bound.
130 If a row variable has a primal status, say #P_ON_UPPER, this means
131 that the upper bound of the inequality is set to be tight. Hence,
132 in this case the upper bound must not be infinity.
134 Equivalently, if the status of a variable is dual, say #D_ON_UPPER,
135 it means that the dual variable corresponding to the upper bound
136 inequality of this variable is set to 0.
138 For a column basis, primal #Status%es correspond to nonbasic
139 variables, while dual ones are basic. This is reversed for a row
140 basis. We will now reveal in more detail the significance of
141 variable #Status%es.
143 <b>Primal Variables</b>
145 Consider a range inequality \f$l_r \le a^T x \le u_r\f$ or bounds on
146 a variable \f$l_c \le x_c \le u_c\f$. The following table reveals
147 what is implied if the corresponding variable or covariable is
148 assigned to a primal #Status:
150 \f[
151 \begin{array}{lcl}
152 l_c \le x_c \le u_c & \mbox{Status}(x_i) & l_r \le a^T x \le u_r \\
153 \hline
154 x_c = u_c < \infty & \mbox{P\_ON\_UPPER} & a^T x = u_r < \infty \\
155 x_c = l_c > -\infty & \mbox{P\_ON\_LOWER} & a^T x = l_r > -\infty \\
156 -\infty < l_c = x_c = u_c < \infty
157 & \mbox{P\_FIXED} &
158 -\infty < l_r = a^T x = u_r < \infty \\
159 -\infty = l_i < x_i=0 < u_i = \infty
160 & \mbox{P\_FREE} &
161 -\infty = l_r < a^T x = 0 < u_r = \infty \\
162 \end{array}
163 \f]
165 Note that to determine whether a variable with #Status stat is set to
166 its upper bound, one can compute the test (-stat | -#P_ON_UPPER).
167 This will yield true even if the variable is fixed, i.e., sitting on
168 both bounds at the same time.
170 <b>Dual Variables</b>
172 In principle for implementing the Simplex algorithm it would suffice
173 to use only one dual #Status. However, for performance reasons it
174 is advisable to introduce various dual status types, reflecting
175 the structure of the bounds. Given an upper bound \f$u\f$ and a lower
176 bound \f$l\f$ of a constraint or variable, the following table
177 indicates the setting of the dual Status of this variable.
179 \f[
180 \begin{array}{cl}
181 l \le ... \le u & \mbox{Status} \\
182 \hline
183 -\infty < l \ne u < \infty & \mbox{D\_ON\_BOTH} \\
184 -\infty < l \ne u = \infty & \mbox{D\_ON\_UPPER} \\
185 -\infty = l \ne u < \infty & \mbox{D\_ON\_LOWER} \\
186 -\infty < l = u < \infty & \mbox{D\_FREE} \\
187 -\infty = l \ne u = \infty & \mbox{D\_UNDEFINED} \\
188 \end{array}
189 \f]
191 Note that unbounded primal variables are reflected by an #D_UNDEFINED
192 dual variable, since no reduced costs exist for them. To facilitate
193 the assignment of dual #Status%es, class SPxBasisBase provides methods
194 #dualStatus(), #dualColStatus() and #dualRowStatus)().
195 */
197 {
198 P_ON_LOWER = -4, ///< primal variable is set to its lower bound
199 P_ON_UPPER = -2, ///< primal variable is set to its upper bound
200 P_FREE = -1, ///< primal variable is left free, but unset
201 P_FIXED = P_ON_UPPER + P_ON_LOWER, ///< primal variable is fixed to both bounds
202 D_FREE = 1, ///< dual variable is left free, but unset
203 D_ON_UPPER = 2, ///< dual variable is set to its upper bound
204 D_ON_LOWER = 4, ///< dual variable is set to its lower bound
205 D_ON_BOTH = D_ON_LOWER + D_ON_UPPER, ///< dual variable has two bounds
206 D_UNDEFINED = 8 ///< primal or dual variable is undefined
207 };
208 ///@}
211 template <class T> friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os,
212 const Status& stat); //@todo is the <> required here?
214 private:
216 //------------------------------------
217 ///@name Data
218 ///@{
219 DataArray < Status > rowstat; ///< status of rows.
220 DataArray < Status > colstat; ///< status of columns.
221 DataArray < Status >* stat; ///< basis' status.
222 DataArray < Status >* costat; ///< cobasis' status.
223 ///@}
225 public:
227 //------------------------------------
228 ///@name Access / modification
229 ///@{
230 /// returns number of columns.
231 int nCols() const
232 {
233 return colstat.size();
234 }
235 /// returns number of rows.
236 int nRows() const
237 {
238 return rowstat.size();
239 }
240 /// returns dimension.
241 int dim() const
242 {
243 return stat->size();
244 }
245 /// returns codimension.
246 int coDim() const
247 {
248 return costat->size();
249 }
250 ///
252 {
253 return rowstat[i];
254 }
255 /// returns status of row \p i.
256 Status rowStatus(int i) const
257 {
258 return rowstat[i];
259 }
260 /// returns the array of row \ref soplex::SPxBasisBase<R>::Desc::Status "Status"es.
261 const Status* rowStatus(void) const
262 {
263 return rowstat.get_const_ptr();
264 }
265 ///
267 {
268 return colstat[i];
269 }
270 /// returns status of column \p i.
271 Status colStatus(int i) const
272 {
273 return colstat[i];
274 }
275 /// returns the array of column \ref soplex::SPxBasisBase<R>::Desc::Status "Status"es.
276 const Status* colStatus(void) const
277 {
278 return colstat.get_const_ptr();
279 }
280 ///
282 {
283 return (*stat)[i];
284 }
285 /// returns status of variable \p i.
286 Status status(int i) const
287 {
288 return (*stat)[i];
289 }
290 /// returns the array of variable \ref soplex::SPxBasisBase<R>::Desc::Status "Status"es.
291 const Status* status(void) const
292 {
293 return stat->get_const_ptr();
294 }
295 ///
297 {
298 return (*costat)[i];
299 }
300 /// returns status of covariable \p i.
301 Status coStatus(int i) const
302 {
303 return (*costat)[i];
304 }
305 /// returns the array of covariable \ref soplex::SPxBasisBase<R>::Desc::Status "Status"es.
306 const Status* coStatus(void) const
307 {
308 return costat->get_const_ptr();
309 }
310 /// resets dimensions.
311 void reSize(int rowDim, int colDim);
312 ///@}
314 //------------------------------------
315 ///@name Debugging
316 ///@{
317 /// Prints out status.
318 void dump() const;
320 /// consistency check.
321 bool isConsistent() const;
322 ///@}
324 //------------------------------------
325 ///@name Construction / destruction
326 ///@{
327 /// default constructor
329 : stat(nullptr)
330 , costat(nullptr)
331 {}
332 explicit Desc(const SPxSolverBase<R>& base);
334 /// copy constructor
335 Desc(const Desc& old);
336 /// assignment operator
337 Desc& operator=(const Desc& rhs);
338 ///@}
339 };
343 //------------------------------------
344 //**@name Protected data
345 /**
346 For storing the basis matrix we keep two arrays: Array #theBaseId
347 contains the SPxId%s of the basis vectors, and #matrix the pointers to
348 the vectors themselfes. Method #loadMatrixVecs() serves for loading
349 #matrix according to the SPxId%s stored in #theBaseId. This method must
350 be called whenever the VectorBase<R> pointers may have
351 changed due to manipulations of the LP.
352 */
353 ///@{
354 /// the LP
356 /// SPxId%s of basic vectors.
358 /// pointers to the vectors of the basis matrix.
360 /// \c true iff the pointers in \ref soplex::SPxBasisBase<R>::matrix "matrix" are set up correctly.
363 /* @brief LU factorization of basis matrix
364 The factorization of the matrix is stored in #factor if #factorized != 0.
365 Otherwise #factor is undefined.
366 */
368 /// \c true iff \ref soplex::SPxBasisBase<R>::factor "factor" = \ref soplex::SPxBasisBase<R>::matrix "matrix" \f$^{-1}\f$.
371 /// number of updates before refactorization.
372 /** When a vector of the basis matrix is exchanged by a call to method
373 #change(), the LU factorization of the matrix is updated
374 accordingly. However, after atmost #maxUpdates updates of the
375 factorization, it is recomputed in order to regain numerical
376 stability and reduce fill in.
377 */
380 /// allowed increase of nonzeros before refactorization.
381 /** When the number of nonzeros in LU factorization exceeds
382 #nonzeroFactor times the number of nonzeros in B, the
383 basis matrix is refactorized.
384 */
387 /// allowed increase in relative fill before refactorization
388 /** When the real relative fill is bigger than fillFactor times lastFill
389 * the Basis will be refactorized.
390 */
393 /// allowed total increase in memory consumption before refactorization
396 /* Rank-1-updates to the basis may be performed via method #change(). In
397 this case, the factorization is updated, and the following members are
398 reset.
399 */
400 int iterCount; ///< number of calls to change() since last manipulation
401 int lastIterCount; ///< number of calls to change() before halting the simplex
402 int iterDegenCheck;///< number of calls to change() since last degeneracy check
403 int updateCount; ///< number of calls to change() since last factorize()
404 int totalUpdateCount; ///< number of updates
405 int nzCount; ///< number of nonzeros in basis matrix
406 int lastMem; ///< memory needed after last fresh factorization
407 R lastFill; ///< fill ratio that occured during last factorization
408 int lastNzCount; ///< number of nonzeros in basis matrix after last fresh factorization
410 Timer* theTime; ///< time spent in updates
411 Timer::TYPE timerType; ///< type of timer (user or wallclock)
413 SPxId lastin; ///< lastEntered(): variable entered the base last
414 SPxId lastout; ///< lastLeft(): variable left the base last
415 int lastidx; ///< lastIndex(): basis index where last update was done
416 R minStab; ///< minimum stability
417 ///@}
421 //------------------------------------
422 //**@name Private data */
423 ///@{
424 SPxStatus thestatus; ///< current status of the basis.
425 Desc thedesc; ///< the basis' Descriptor
426 bool freeSlinSolver; ///< true iff factor should be freed inside of this object
427 SPxOut* spxout; ///< message handler
429 ///@}
433 //------------------------------------------------
434 /**@name Status and Descriptor related Methods */
435 ///@{
436 /// returns current SPxStatus.
438 {
439 return thestatus;
440 }
442 /// sets basis SPxStatus to \p stat.
444 {
446 if(thestatus != stat)
447 {
448 SPxOut::debug(this, "DBSTAT01 SPxBasisBase<R>::setStatus(): status: {} ({}) -> {} ({})\n",
449 int(thestatus), thestatus, int(stat), stat);
451 thestatus = stat;
453 if(stat == NO_PROBLEM)
454 invalidate();
455 }
456 }
458 // TODO control factorization frequency dynamically
459 /// change maximum number of iterations until a refactorization is performed
460 void setMaxUpdates(int maxUp)
461 {
462 assert(maxUp >= 0);
463 maxUpdates = maxUp;
464 }
466 /// returns maximum number of updates before a refactorization is performed
467 int getMaxUpdates() const
468 {
469 return maxUpdates;
470 }
472 ///
473 const Desc& desc() const
474 {
475 return thedesc;
476 }
477 /// returns current basis Descriptor.
479 {
480 return thedesc;
481 }
483 /// dual Status for the \p i'th column variable of the loaded LP.
484 typename Desc::Status dualColStatus(int i) const;
486 /// dual Status for the column variable with ID \p id of the loaded LP.
487 typename Desc::Status dualStatus(const SPxColId& id) const;
489 /// dual Status for the \p i'th row variable of the loaded LP.
490 typename Desc::Status dualRowStatus(int i) const;
492 /// dual Status for the row variable with ID \p id of the loaded LP.
493 typename Desc::Status dualStatus(const SPxRowId& id) const;
495 /// dual Status for the variable with ID \p id of the loaded LP.
496 /** It is automatically detected, whether the \p id is one of a
497 row or a column variable, and the correct row or column status
498 is returned.
499 */
500 typename Desc::Status dualStatus(const SPxId& id) const
501 {
502 return id.isSPxRowId()
503 ? dualStatus(SPxRowId(id))
504 : dualStatus(SPxColId(id));
505 }
506 ///@}
509 //-----------------------------------
510 /**@name Inquiry Methods */
511 ///@{
512 ///
513 inline SPxId& baseId(int i)
514 {
515 return theBaseId[i];
516 }
517 /// returns the Id of the \p i'th basis vector.
518 inline SPxId baseId(int i) const
519 {
520 return theBaseId[i];
521 }
523 /// returns the \p i'th basic vector.
524 const SVectorBase<R>& baseVec(int i) const
525 {
526 assert(matrixIsSetup);
527 return *matrix[i];
528 }
530 /// returns SPxId of last VectorBase<R> included to the basis.
531 inline SPxId lastEntered() const
532 {
533 return lastin;
534 }
536 /// returns SPxId of last vector that left the basis.
537 inline SPxId lastLeft() const
538 {
539 return lastout;
540 }
542 /// returns index in basis where last update was done.
543 inline int lastIndex() const
544 {
545 return lastidx;
546 }
548 /// returns number of basis changes since last refactorization.
549 inline int lastUpdate() const
550 {
551 return updateCount;
552 }
554 /// returns number of basis changes since last \ref soplex::SPxBasisBase<R>::load() "load()".
555 inline int iteration() const
556 {
557 return iterCount;
558 }
560 /// returns the number of iterations prior to the last break in execution
561 inline int prevIteration() const
562 {
563 return lastIterCount;
564 }
566 /// returns the number of iterations since the last degeneracy check
567 inline int lastDegenCheck() const
568 {
569 return iterDegenCheck;
570 }
572 /// returns loaded solver.
573 inline SPxSolverBase<R>* solver() const
574 {
575 return theLP;
576 }
577 ///@}
579 //-----------------------------------
580 /**@name Linear Algebra */
581 ///@{
582 /// Basis-vector product.
583 /** Depending on the representation, for an SPxBasisBase B,
584 B.multBaseWith(x) computes
585 - \f$x \leftarrow Bx\f$ in the columnwise case, and
586 - \f$x \leftarrow x^TB\f$ in the rowwise case.
588 Both can be seen uniformly as multiplying the basis matrix \p B with
589 a vector \p x aligned the same way as the \em vectors of \p B.
590 */
593 /// Basis-vector product
596 /// Vector-basis product.
597 /** Depending on the representation, for a #SPxBasisBase B,
598 B.multWithBase(x) computes
599 - \f$x \leftarrow x^TB\f$ in the columnwise case and
600 - \f$x \leftarrow Bx\f$ in the rowwise case.
602 Both can be seen uniformly as multiplying the basis matrix \p B with
603 a vector \p x aligned the same way as the \em covectors of \p B.
604 */
607 /// VectorBase<R>-basis product
610 /* compute an estimated condition number for the current basis matrix
611 * by computing estimates of the norms of B and B^-1 using the power method.
612 * maxiters and tolerance control the accuracy of the estimate.
613 */
614 R condition(int maxiters = 10, R tolerance = 1e-6);
616 /* wrapper to compute an estimate of the condition number of the current basis matrix */
618 {
619 return condition(20, 1e-6);
620 }
622 /* wrapper to compute the exact condition number of the current basis matrix */
624 {
625 return condition(1000, 1e-9);
626 }
628 /** compute one of several matrix metrics based on the diagonal of the LU factorization
629 * type = 0: max/min ratio
630 * type = 1: trace of U (sum of diagonal elements)
631 * type = 2: determinant (product of diagonal elements)
632 */
633 R getMatrixMetric(int type = 0);
635 /// returns the stability of the basis matrix.
636 R stability() const
637 {
638 return factor->stability();
639 }
640 ///
641 void solve(VectorBase<R>& x, const VectorBase<R>& rhs)
642 {
643 if(rhs.dim() == 0)
644 {
645 x.clear();
646 return;
647 }
649 if(!factorized)
652 factor->solveRight(x, rhs);
653 }
654 ///
656 {
657 if(rhs.size() == 0)
658 {
659 x.clear();
660 return;
661 }
663 if(!factorized)
666 factor->solveRight(x, rhs);
667 }
668 /// solves linear system with basis matrix.
669 /** Depending on the representation, for a SPxBasisBase B,
670 B.solve(x) computes
671 - \f$x \leftarrow B^{-1}rhs\f$ in the columnwise case and
672 - \f$x \leftarrow rhs^TB^{-1}\f$ in the rowwise case.
674 Both can be seen uniformly as solving a linear system with the basis
675 matrix \p B and a right handside vector \p x aligned the same way as
676 the \em vectors of \p B.
677 */
679 {
680 if(rhs.size() == 0)
681 {
682 x.clear();
683 return;
684 }
686 if(!factorized)
689 factor->solveRight4update(x, rhs);
690 }
691 /// solves two systems in one call.
693 SSVectorBase<R>& rhsy)
694 {
695 if(!factorized)
698 factor->solve2right4update(x, y, rhsx, rhsy);
699 }
700 /// solves two systems in one call using only sparse data structures
702 SSVectorBase<R>& rhsy)
703 {
704 if(!factorized)
707 factor->solve2right4update(x, y, rhsx, rhsy);
708 }
709 /// solves three systems in one call.
711 const SVectorBase<R>& rhsx, SSVectorBase<R>& rhsy, SSVectorBase<R>& rhsy2)
712 {
713 if(!factorized)
716 assert(rhsy.isSetup());
717 assert(rhsy2.isSetup());
718 factor->solve3right4update(x, y, y2, rhsx, rhsy, rhsy2);
719 }
720 /// solves three systems in one call using only sparse data structures
722 const SVectorBase<R>& rhsx, SSVectorBase<R>& rhsy, SSVectorBase<R>& rhsy2)
723 {
724 if(!factorized)
727 assert(rhsy.isSetup());
728 assert(rhsy2.isSetup());
729 factor->solve3right4update(x, y, y2, rhsx, rhsy, rhsy2);
730 }
731 /// Cosolves linear system with basis matrix.
732 /** Depending on the representation, for a SPxBasisBase B,
733 B.coSolve(x) computes
734 - \f$x \leftarrow rhs^TB^{-1}\f$ in the columnwise case and
735 - \f$x \leftarrow B^{-1}rhs\f$ in the rowwise case.
737 Both can be seen uniformly as solving a linear system with the basis
738 matrix \p B and a right handside vector \p x aligned the same way as
739 the \em covectors of \p B.
740 */
742 {
743 if(rhs.dim() == 0)
744 {
745 x.clear();
746 return;
747 }
749 if(!factorized)
752 factor->solveLeft(x, rhs);
753 }
754 /// Sparse version of coSolve
756 {
757 if(rhs.size() == 0)
758 {
759 x.clear();
760 return;
761 }
763 if(!factorized)
766 factor->solveLeft(x, rhs);
767 }
768 /// solves two systems in one call.
770 SSVectorBase<R>& rhsy)
771 {
772 if(!factorized)
775 factor->solveLeft(x, y, rhsx, rhsy);
776 }
777 /// Sparse version of solving two systems in one call.
779 SSVectorBase<R>& rhsy)
780 {
781 if(!factorized)
784 factor->solveLeft(x, y, rhsx, rhsy);
785 }
786 /// solves three systems in one call. May be improved by using just one pass through the basis.
788 SSVectorBase<R>& rhsy, SSVectorBase<R>& rhsz)
789 {
790 if(!factorized)
793 factor->solveLeft(x, y, z, rhsx, rhsy, rhsz);
794 }
795 /// Sparse version of solving three systems in one call.
797 SSVectorBase<R>& rhsy, SSVectorBase<R>& rhsz)
798 {
799 if(!factorized)
802 factor->solveLeft(x, y, z, rhsx, rhsy, rhsz);
803 }
804 ///@}
807 //------------------------------------
808 /**@name Modification notification.
809 These methods must be called after the loaded LP has been modified.
810 */
811 ///@{
812 /// inform SPxBasisBase, that \p n new rows had been added.
813 void addedRows(int n);
814 /// inform SPxBasisBase that row \p i had been removed.
815 void removedRow(int i);
816 /// inform SPxBasisBase that rows in \p perm with negative entry were removed.
817 void removedRows(const int perm[]);
818 /// inform SPxBasisBase that \p n new columns had been added.
819 void addedCols(int n);
820 /// inform SPxBasisBase that column \p i had been removed.
821 void removedCol(int i);
822 /// inform SPxBasisBase that columns in \p perm with negative entry were removed.
823 void removedCols(const int perm[]);
824 /// inform SPxBasisBase that a row had been changed.
825 void changedRow(int);
826 /// inform SPxBasisBase that a column had been changed.
827 void changedCol(int);
828 /// inform SPxBasisBase that a matrix entry had been changed.
829 void changedElement(int, int);
830 ///@}
833 //--------------------------------
834 /**@name Miscellaneous */
835 ///@{
836 /// performs basis update.
837 /** Changes the \p i 'th vector of the basis with the vector associated to
838 \p id. This includes:
839 - updating the factorization, or recomputing it from scratch by
840 calling \ref soplex::SPxSolverBase<R>::factorize() "factorize()",
841 - resetting \ref soplex::SPxSolverBase<R>::lastEntered() "lastEntered()",
842 - resetting \ref soplex::SPxSolverBase<R>::lastIndex() "lastIndex()",
843 - resetting \ref soplex::SPxSolverBase<R>::lastLeft() "lastLeft()",
844 - resetting \ref soplex::SPxSolverBase<R>::lastUpdate() "lastUpdate()",
845 - resetting \ref soplex::SPxSolverBase<R>::iterations() "iterations()".
847 The basis descriptor is \em not \em modified, since #factor()
848 cannot know about how to set up the status of the involved variables
849 correctly.
851 A vector \p enterVec may be passed for a fast ETA update of the LU
852 factorization associated to the basis. It must be initialized with
853 the solution vector \f$x\f$ of the right linear system \f$Bx = b\f$
854 with the entering vector as right-hand side vector \f$b\f$, where \f$B\f$
855 denotes the basis matrix. This can be computed using method #solve().
856 When using FAST updates, a vector \p eta may be passed for
857 improved performance. It must be initialized by a call to
858 factor->solveRightUpdate() as described in SLinSolver. The
859 implementation hidden behind FAST updates depends on the
860 SLinSolver implementation class.
861 */
862 virtual void change(int i, SPxId& id,
863 const SVectorBase<R>* enterVec, const SSVectorBase<R>* eta = nullptr);
865 /** Load basis from \p in in MPS format. If \p rowNames and \p colNames
866 * are \c NULL, default names are used for the constraints and variables.
867 */
868 virtual bool readBasis(std::istream& in,
869 const NameSet* rowNames, const NameSet* colNames);
871 /** Write basis to \p os in MPS format. If \p rowNames and \p colNames are
872 * \c NULL, default names are used for the constraints and variables.
873 */
874 virtual void writeBasis(std::ostream& os,
875 const NameSet* rownames, const NameSet* colnames, const bool cpxFormat = false) const;
877 virtual void printMatrix() const;
879 /** Prints current basis matrix to a file using the MatrixMarket format:
880 * row col value
881 * The filename is basis/basis[number].mtx where number is a parameter.
882 */
883 void printMatrixMTX(int number);
885 /// checks if a Descriptor is valid for the current LP w.r.t. its bounds
886 virtual bool isDescValid(const Desc& ds);
888 /// sets up basis.
889 /** Loads a Descriptor to the basis and sets up the basis matrix and
890 all vectors accordingly. The Descriptor must have the same number of
891 rows and columns as the currently loaded LP.
892 */
893 virtual void loadDesc(const Desc&);
895 /// sets up linear solver to use.
896 /** If destroy is true, solver will be freed inside this object, e.g. in the destructor.
897 */
898 virtual void loadBasisSolver(SLinSolver<R>* solver, const bool destroy = false);
900 /// loads the LP \p lp to the basis.
901 /** This involves resetting all counters to 0 and setting up a regular
902 default basis consisting of slacks, artificial variables or bounds.
903 */
904 virtual void load(SPxSolverBase<R>* lp, bool initSlackBasis = true);
906 /// unloads the LP from the basis.
907 virtual void unLoad()
908 {
909 theLP = nullptr;
911 }
913 /// invalidates actual basis.
914 /** This method makes the basis matrix and vectors invalid. The basis will
915 be reinitialized if needed.
916 */
919 /// Restores initial basis.
920 /** This method changes the basis to that present just after loading the LP
921 (see addedRows() and addedCols()). This may be necessary if a row or a
922 column is changed, since then the current basis may become singular.
923 */
926 /// output basis entries.
927 void dump() const;
929 /// consistency check.
930 bool isConsistent() const;
932 /// time spent in updates
934 {
935 return theTime->time();
936 }
937 /// number of updates performed
939 {
940 return totalUpdateCount;
941 }
943 /// returns statistical information in form of a string.
944 std::string statistics() const
945 {
946 std::stringstream s;
947 s << factor->statistics()
949 << "Updates : " << std::setw(10) << getTotalUpdateCount() << std::endl
950 << " Time spent : " << std::setw(10) << getTotalUpdateTime() << std::endl
952 ;
954 return s.str();
955 }
957 void setOutstream(SPxOut& newOutstream)
958 {
959 spxout = &newOutstream;
960 }
961 ///@}
963 //--------------------------------------
964 /**@name Constructors / Destructors */
965 ///@{
966 /// default constructor.
968 /// copy constructor
970 /// assignment operator
972 /// destructor.
973 virtual ~SPxBasisBase();
974 ///@}
979 //--------------------------------------
980 /**@name Protected helpers */
981 ///@{
982 /// loads \ref soplex::SPxBasisBase<R>::matrix "matrix" according to the SPxId%s stored in \ref soplex::SPxBasisBase<R>::theBaseId "theBaseId".
983 /** This method must be called whenever there is a chance, that the vector
984 pointers may have changed due to manipulations of the LP.
985 */
988 /// resizes internal arrays.
989 /** When a new LP is loaded, the basis matrix and vectors become invalid
990 and possibly also of the wrong dimension. Hence, after loading an
991 LP, #reDim() is called to reset all arrays etc. accoriding to the
992 dimensions of the loaded LP.
993 */
994 void reDim();
996 /// factorizes the basis matrix.
997 virtual void factorize();
999 /// sets descriptor representation according to loaded LP.
1000 void setRep();
1001 ///@}
1007// Auxiliary functions.
1010/// Pretty-printing of basis status.
1011template <class R>
1012std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
1013 const typename SPxBasisBase<R>::SPxStatus& status);
1016/* For backwards compatibility */
1019} // namespace soplex
1021// General templated definitions
1022#include "spxbasis.hpp"
1023#include "spxdesc.hpp"
1025/* reset the SOPLEX_DEBUG flag to its original value */
1026#undef SOPLEX_DEBUG
1028#define SOPLEX_DEBUG
1032#endif // _SPXBASIS_H_
const T * get_const_ptr() const
get a const C pointer to the data.
Definition: dataarray.h:128
int size() const
return nr. of elements.
Definition: dataarray.h:227
Set of strings.
Definition: nameset.h:71
Sparse Linear Solver virtual base class.
Definition: slinsolver.h:53
Basis descriptor.
Definition: spxbasis.h:116
Status & rowStatus(int i)
Definition: spxbasis.h:251
DataArray< Status > * stat
basis' status.
Definition: spxbasis.h:221
friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Status &stat)
bool isConsistent() const
consistency check.
int coDim() const
returns codimension.
Definition: spxbasis.h:246
Desc(const SPxSolverBase< R > &base)
const Status * coStatus(void) const
returns the array of covariable Statuses.
Definition: spxbasis.h:306
const Status * rowStatus(void) const
returns the array of row Statuses.
Definition: spxbasis.h:261
void reSize(int rowDim, int colDim)
resets dimensions.
primal variable is fixed to both bounds
Definition: spxbasis.h:201
primal or dual variable is undefined
Definition: spxbasis.h:206
dual variable is set to its upper bound
Definition: spxbasis.h:203
primal variable is set to its upper bound
Definition: spxbasis.h:199
dual variable is set to its lower bound
Definition: spxbasis.h:204
primal variable is left free, but unset
Definition: spxbasis.h:200
dual variable is left free, but unset
Definition: spxbasis.h:202
primal variable is set to its lower bound
Definition: spxbasis.h:198
dual variable has two bounds
Definition: spxbasis.h:205
Status status(int i) const
returns status of variable i.
Definition: spxbasis.h:286
Status colStatus(int i) const
returns status of column i.
Definition: spxbasis.h:271
const Status * status(void) const
returns the array of variable Statuses.
Definition: spxbasis.h:291
DataArray< Status > rowstat
status of rows.
Definition: spxbasis.h:219
Status rowStatus(int i) const
returns status of row i.
Definition: spxbasis.h:256
Status & colStatus(int i)
Definition: spxbasis.h:266
Status & status(int i)
Definition: spxbasis.h:281
DataArray< Status > colstat
status of columns.
Definition: spxbasis.h:220
DataArray< Status > * costat
cobasis' status.
Definition: spxbasis.h:222
int dim() const
returns dimension.
Definition: spxbasis.h:241
Desc(const Desc &old)
copy constructor
Desc & operator=(const Desc &rhs)
assignment operator
Status & coStatus(int i)
Definition: spxbasis.h:296
int nRows() const
returns number of rows.
Definition: spxbasis.h:236
const Status * colStatus(void) const
returns the array of column Statuses.
Definition: spxbasis.h:276
Status coStatus(int i) const
returns status of covariable i.
Definition: spxbasis.h:301
Simplex basis.
Definition: spxbasis.h:94
void changedRow(int)
inform SPxBasisBase that a row had been changed.
void setOutstream(SPxOut &newOutstream)
Definition: spxbasis.h:957
int lastMem
memory needed after last fresh factorization
Definition: spxbasis.h:406
R condition(int maxiters=10, R tolerance=1e-6)
int nzCount
number of nonzeros in basis matrix
Definition: spxbasis.h:405
void coSolve(SSVectorBase< R > &x, VectorBase< R > &y, VectorBase< R > &z, const SVectorBase< R > &rhsx, SSVectorBase< R > &rhsy, SSVectorBase< R > &rhsz)
solves three systems in one call. May be improved by using just one pass through the basis.
Definition: spxbasis.h:787
const SVectorBase< R > & baseVec(int i) const
returns the i'th basic vector.
Definition: spxbasis.h:524
SPxSolverBase< R > * theLP
the LP
Definition: spxbasis.h:355
void removedRows(const int perm[])
inform SPxBasisBase that rows in perm with negative entry were removed.
virtual bool readBasis(std::istream &in, const NameSet *rowNames, const NameSet *colNames)
SPxBasisBase< R > & operator=(const SPxBasisBase< R > &rhs)
assignment operator
int totalUpdateCount
number of updates
Definition: spxbasis.h:404
DataArray< SPxId > theBaseId
SPxIds of basic vectors.
Definition: spxbasis.h:357
const Desc & desc() const
Definition: spxbasis.h:473
int lastDegenCheck() const
returns the number of iterations since the last degeneracy check
Definition: spxbasis.h:567
void printMatrixMTX(int number)
int iterDegenCheck
number of calls to change() since last degeneracy check
Definition: spxbasis.h:402
SPxStatus thestatus
current status of the basis.
Definition: spxbasis.h:424
void solve(SSVectorBase< R > &x, const SVectorBase< R > &rhs)
Definition: spxbasis.h:655
Desc::Status dualStatus(const SPxId &id) const
dual Status for the variable with ID id of the loaded LP.
Definition: spxbasis.h:500
int lastNzCount
number of nonzeros in basis matrix after last fresh factorization
Definition: spxbasis.h:408
void solve4update(SSVectorBase< R > &x, SSVectorBase< R > &y, const SVectorBase< R > &rhsx, SSVectorBase< R > &rhsy)
solves two systems in one call using only sparse data structures
Definition: spxbasis.h:701
void solve(VectorBase< R > &x, const VectorBase< R > &rhs)
Definition: spxbasis.h:641
void coSolve(VectorBase< R > &x, const VectorBase< R > &rhs)
Cosolves linear system with basis matrix.
Definition: spxbasis.h:741
void reDim()
resizes internal arrays.
int lastIndex() const
returns index in basis where last update was done.
Definition: spxbasis.h:543
void removedCol(int i)
inform SPxBasisBase that column i had been removed.
Desc & desc()
returns current basis Descriptor.
Definition: spxbasis.h:478
bool factorized
true iff factor = matrix .
Definition: spxbasis.h:369
bool isConsistent() const
consistency check.
Desc::Status dualStatus(const SPxColId &id) const
dual Status for the column variable with ID id of the loaded LP.
int getTotalUpdateCount() const
number of updates performed
Definition: spxbasis.h:938
void removedCols(const int perm[])
inform SPxBasisBase that columns in perm with negative entry were removed.
bool freeSlinSolver
true iff factor should be freed inside of this object
Definition: spxbasis.h:426
void removedRow(int i)
inform SPxBasisBase that row i had been removed.
void coSolve(SSVectorBase< R > &x, SSVectorBase< R > &y, const SVectorBase< R > &rhsx, SSVectorBase< R > &rhsy)
Sparse version of solving two systems in one call.
Definition: spxbasis.h:778
SPxOut * spxout
message handler
Definition: spxbasis.h:427
VectorBase< R > & multBaseWith(VectorBase< R > &x) const
Basis-vector product.
int lastidx
lastIndex(): basis index where last update was done
Definition: spxbasis.h:415
void addedRows(int n)
inform SPxBasisBase, that n new rows had been added.
R fillFactor
allowed increase in relative fill before refactorization
Definition: spxbasis.h:391
virtual bool isDescValid(const Desc &ds)
checks if a Descriptor is valid for the current LP w.r.t. its bounds
void setStatus(SPxStatus stat)
sets basis SPxStatus to stat.
Definition: spxbasis.h:443
void solve4update(SSVectorBase< R > &x, SSVectorBase< R > &y, SSVectorBase< R > &y2, const SVectorBase< R > &rhsx, SSVectorBase< R > &rhsy, SSVectorBase< R > &rhsy2)
solves three systems in one call using only sparse data structures
Definition: spxbasis.h:721
R lastFill
fill ratio that occured during last factorization
Definition: spxbasis.h:407
R memFactor
allowed total increase in memory consumption before refactorization
Definition: spxbasis.h:394
int getMaxUpdates() const
returns maximum number of updates before a refactorization is performed
Definition: spxbasis.h:467
virtual void writeBasis(std::ostream &os, const NameSet *rownames, const NameSet *colnames, const bool cpxFormat=false) const
Timer * theTime
time spent in updates
Definition: spxbasis.h:410
SPxBasisBase(Timer::TYPE ttype=Timer::USER_TIME)
default constructor.
virtual void load(SPxSolverBase< R > *lp, bool initSlackBasis=true)
loads the LP lp to the basis.
DataArray< const SVectorBase< R > * > matrix
pointers to the vectors of the basis matrix.
Definition: spxbasis.h:359
Desc thedesc
the basis' Descriptor
Definition: spxbasis.h:425
virtual void factorize()
factorizes the basis matrix.
SLinSolver< R > * factor
Definition: spxbasis.h:367
virtual void loadDesc(const Desc &)
sets up basis.
virtual void loadBasisSolver(SLinSolver< R > *solver, const bool destroy=false)
sets up linear solver to use.
void coSolve(SSVectorBase< R > &x, SSVectorBase< R > &y, SSVectorBase< R > &z, const SVectorBase< R > &rhsx, SSVectorBase< R > &rhsy, SSVectorBase< R > &rhsz)
Sparse version of solving three systems in one call.
Definition: spxbasis.h:796
void restoreInitialBasis()
Restores initial basis.
int iterCount
number of calls to change() since last manipulation
Definition: spxbasis.h:400
SPxId lastEntered() const
returns SPxId of last VectorBase<R> included to the basis.
Definition: spxbasis.h:531
void invalidate()
invalidates actual basis.
Timer::TYPE timerType
type of timer (user or wallclock)
Definition: spxbasis.h:411
int iteration() const
returns number of basis changes since last load().
Definition: spxbasis.h:555
Desc::Status dualStatus(const SPxRowId &id) const
dual Status for the row variable with ID id of the loaded LP.
void multBaseWith(SSVectorBase< R > &x, SSVectorBase< R > &result) const
Basis-vector product.
bool matrixIsSetup
true iff the pointers in matrix are set up correctly.
Definition: spxbasis.h:361
int maxUpdates
number of updates before refactorization.
Definition: spxbasis.h:378
void coSolve(SSVectorBase< R > &x, VectorBase< R > &y, const SVectorBase< R > &rhsx, SSVectorBase< R > &rhsy)
solves two systems in one call.
Definition: spxbasis.h:769
SPxId lastLeft() const
returns SPxId of last vector that left the basis.
Definition: spxbasis.h:537
SPxId lastin
lastEntered(): variable entered the base last
Definition: spxbasis.h:413
void coSolve(SSVectorBase< R > &x, const SVectorBase< R > &rhs)
Sparse version of coSolve.
Definition: spxbasis.h:755
int prevIteration() const
returns the number of iterations prior to the last break in execution
Definition: spxbasis.h:561
SPxId baseId(int i) const
returns the Id of the i'th basis vector.
Definition: spxbasis.h:518
virtual ~SPxBasisBase()
void changedElement(int, int)
inform SPxBasisBase that a matrix entry had been changed.
SPxStatus status() const
returns current SPxStatus.
Definition: spxbasis.h:437
R getMatrixMetric(int type=0)
int updateCount
number of calls to change() since last factorize()
Definition: spxbasis.h:403
virtual void unLoad()
unloads the LP from the basis.
Definition: spxbasis.h:907
R nonzeroFactor
allowed increase of nonzeros before refactorization.
Definition: spxbasis.h:385
int lastUpdate() const
returns number of basis changes since last refactorization.
Definition: spxbasis.h:549
basis status.
Definition: spxbasis.h:102
Basis is optimal, i.e. dual and primal feasible.
Definition: spxbasis.h:108
LP has been proven to be primal infeasible.
Definition: spxbasis.h:110
No Problem has been loaded to the basis.
Definition: spxbasis.h:103
LP has been proven to be primal unbounded.
Definition: spxbasis.h:109
Basis is dual feasible.
Definition: spxbasis.h:106
Basis is primal feasible.
Definition: spxbasis.h:107
Basis is singular.
Definition: spxbasis.h:104
Basis is not known to be dual nor primal feasible.
Definition: spxbasis.h:105
void solve4update(SSVectorBase< R > &x, const SVectorBase< R > &rhs)
solves linear system with basis matrix.
Definition: spxbasis.h:678
SPxId lastout
lastLeft(): variable left the base last
Definition: spxbasis.h:414
void loadMatrixVecs()
loads matrix according to the SPxIds stored in theBaseId.
std::string statistics() const
returns statistical information in form of a string.
Definition: spxbasis.h:944
SPxBasisBase(const SPxBasisBase< R > &old)
copy constructor
R stability() const
returns the stability of the basis matrix.
Definition: spxbasis.h:636
Real getTotalUpdateTime() const
time spent in updates
Definition: spxbasis.h:933
void solve4update(SSVectorBase< R > &x, VectorBase< R > &y, const SVectorBase< R > &rhsx, SSVectorBase< R > &rhsy)
solves two systems in one call.
Definition: spxbasis.h:692
virtual void change(int i, SPxId &id, const SVectorBase< R > *enterVec, const SSVectorBase< R > *eta=nullptr)
performs basis update.
virtual void printMatrix() const
VectorBase< R > & multWithBase(VectorBase< R > &x) const
Vector-basis product.
void addedCols(int n)
inform SPxBasisBase that n new columns had been added.
int lastIterCount
number of calls to change() before halting the simplex
Definition: spxbasis.h:401
void setRep()
sets descriptor representation according to loaded LP.
void setMaxUpdates(int maxUp)
change maximum number of iterations until a refactorization is performed
Definition: spxbasis.h:460
void multWithBase(SSVectorBase< R > &x, SSVectorBase< R > &result) const
VectorBase<R>-basis product.
Desc::Status dualColStatus(int i) const
dual Status for the i'th column variable of the loaded LP.
Desc::Status dualRowStatus(int i) const
dual Status for the i'th row variable of the loaded LP.
void dump() const
output basis entries.
R minStab
minimum stability
Definition: spxbasis.h:416
void solve4update(SSVectorBase< R > &x, VectorBase< R > &y, VectorBase< R > &y2, const SVectorBase< R > &rhsx, SSVectorBase< R > &rhsy, SSVectorBase< R > &rhsy2)
solves three systems in one call.
Definition: spxbasis.h:710
SPxSolverBase< R > * solver() const
returns loaded solver.
Definition: spxbasis.h:573
void changedCol(int)
inform SPxBasisBase that a column had been changed.
SPxId & baseId(int i)
Definition: spxbasis.h:513
Ids for LP columns.
Definition: spxid.h:46
Generic Ids for LP rows or columns.
Definition: spxid.h:95
Wrapper for several output streams. A verbosity level is used to decide which stream to use and wheth...
Definition: spxout.h:78
static void debug(const T *, Args &&... args)
Definition: spxout.h:203
Ids for LP rows.
Definition: spxid.h:65
Sequential object-oriented SimPlex.
Definition: spxsolver.h:104
Semi sparse vector.
Definition: ssvectorbase.h:57
void clear()
Clears vector.
Definition: ssvectorbase.h:616
bool isSetup() const
Returns setup status.
Definition: ssvectorbase.h:127
Sparse vectors.
Definition: svectorbase.h:140
int size() const
Number of used indices.
Definition: svectorbase.h:164
Wrapper for the system time query methods.
Definition: timer.h:86
types of timers
Definition: timer.h:109
virtual Real time() const =0
Dense vector.
Definition: vectorbase.h:86
int dim() const
Dimension of vector.
Definition: vectorbase.h:270
void clear()
Set vector to contain all-zeros (keeping the same length)
Definition: vectorbase.h:308
Save arrays of data objects.
Set of strings.
Everything should be within this namespace.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const VectorBase< R > &vec)
Output operator.
Definition: basevectors.h:1143
double Real
Definition: spxdefines.h:268
SPxBasisBase< Real > SPxBasis
Definition: spxbasis.h:1017
Sparse Linear Solver virtual base class.
Debugging, floating point type and parameter definitions.
Saving LPs in a form suitable for SoPlex.
Wrapper for different output streams and verbosity levels.
Semi sparse vector.
Sparse vectors.
TimerFactory class.