

Sequential object-oriented simPlex

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1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2 /* */
3 /* This file is part of the class library */
4 /* SoPlex --- the Sequential object-oriented simPlex. */
5 /* */
6 /* Copyright (c) 1996-2023 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) */
7 /* */
8 /* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); */
9 /* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. */
10 /* You may obtain a copy of the License at */
11 /* */
12 /* */
13 /* */
14 /* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software */
15 /* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, */
16 /* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */
17 /* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */
18 /* limitations under the License. */
19 /* */
20 /* You should have received a copy of the Apache-2.0 license */
21 /* along with SoPlex; see the file LICENSE. If not email to */
22 /* */
23 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
25 /**@file spxratiotester.h
26  * @brief Abstract ratio test base class.
27  */
32 #include <assert.h>
34 #include "soplex/spxdefines.h"
35 #include "soplex/spxsolver.h"
37 namespace soplex
38 {
40 /**@brief Abstract ratio test base class.
41  @ingroup Algo
43  Class SPxRatioTester is the virtual base class for computing the ratio
44  test within the Simplex algorithm driven by SoPlex. After a SoPlex
45  solver has been #load()%ed to an SPxRatioTester, the solver calls
46  #selectLeave() for computing the ratio test for the entering simplex and
47  #selectEnter() for computing the ratio test in leaving simplex.
48 */
49 template <class R>
51 {
52 protected:
54  //-------------------------------------
55  /**@name Data */
56  ///@{
57  /// the solver
59  /// name of the ratio tester
60  const char* m_name;
61  /// internal storage of type
63  /// allowed bound violation
64  R delta;
65  /// tolerances used by the solver
66  std::shared_ptr<Tolerances> _tolerances;
67  ///@}
69 public:
71  //-------------------------------------
72  /**@name Access / modification */
73  ///@{
74  /// get name of ratio tester.
75  virtual const char* getName() const
76  {
77  return m_name;
78  }
79  /// loads LP.
80  /** Load the solver and LP for which pricing steps are to be performed.
81  */
82  virtual void load(SPxSolverBase<R>* p_solver)
83  {
84  thesolver = p_solver;
85  }
87  /// unloads LP.
88  virtual void clear()
89  {
90  thesolver = nullptr;
91  }
93  /// returns loaded LP solver.
94  virtual SPxSolverBase<R>* solver() const
95  {
96  return thesolver;
97  }
99  /// set allowed bound violation
100  virtual void setDelta(R newDelta)
101  {
102  if(newDelta <= this->tolerances()->epsilon())
103  delta = this->tolerances()->epsilon();
104  else
105  delta = newDelta;
106  }
108  /// get allowed bound violation
109  virtual R getDelta()
110  {
111  return delta;
112  }
114  /// set the _tolerances member variable
115  virtual void setTolerances(std::shared_ptr<Tolerances> newTolerances)
116  {
117  this->_tolerances = newTolerances;
118  }
119  /// get the _tolerances member variable
120  const std::shared_ptr<Tolerances> tolerances() const
121  {
122  return _tolerances;
123  }
124  ///@}
126  //-------------------------------------
127  /**@name Entering / leaving */
128  ///@{
129  /// selects index to leave the basis.
130  /** Method #selectLeave() is called by the loaded SoPlex solver when
131  computing the entering simplex algorithm. Its task is to select and
132  return the index of the basis variable that is to leave the basis.
133  When being called,
134  \ref SPxSolverBase<R>::fVec() "fVec()" fullfills the basic bounds
135  \ref SPxSolverBase<R>::lbBound() "lbBound()" and
136  \ref SPxSolverBase<R>::ubBound() "ubBound()" within
137  \ref SPxSolverBase<R>::entertol() "entertol()".
138  fVec().delta() is the vector by
139  which fVec() will be updated in this simplex step. Its nonzero
140  indices are stored in sorted order in fVec().idx().
142  If \p val > 0, \p val is the maximum allowed update value for fVec(),
143  otherwise the minimum. Method #selectLeave() must chose \p val of the
144  same sign as passed, such that updating fVec() by \p val yields a
145  new vector that satisfies all basic bounds (within entertol). The
146  returned index, must be the index of an element of fVec(), that
147  reaches one of its bounds with this update.
148  */
149  virtual int selectLeave(R& val, R enterTest, bool polish = false) = 0;
151  /// selects variable Id to enter the basis.
152  /** Method #selectEnter() is called by the loaded SoPlex solver, when
153  computing the leaving simplex algorithm. It's task is to select and
154  return the Id of the basis variable that is to enter the basis.
155  When being called,
156  \ref SPxSolverBase<R>::pVec() "pVec()" fullfills the bounds
157  \ref SPxSolverBase<R>::lbBound() "lbBound()" and
158  \ref SPxSolverBase<R>::ubBound() "ubBound()" within
159  \ref SPxSolverBase<R>::leavetol() "leavetol()".
160  Similarly,
161  \ref SPxSolverBase<R>::coPvec() "coPvec()" fulfills the bounds
162  \ref SPxSolverBase<R>::lbBound() "lbBound()" and
163  \ref SPxSolverBase<R>::ubBound() "ubBound()" within
164  \ref SPxSolverBase<R>::leavetol() "leavetol()".
165  pVec().delta() and coPvec().delta() are
166  the vectors by which pVec() and coPvec() will be updated in this
167  simplex step. Their nonzero indices are stored in sorted order in
168  pVec().idx() and coPvec().idx().
170  If \p val > 0, \p val is the maximum allowed update value for pVec()
171  and coPvec(), otherwise the minimum. Method #selectEnter() must
172  chose \p val of the same sign as passed, such that updating pVec()
173  and coPvec() by \p val yields a new vector that satisfies all basic
174  bounds (within leavetol). The returned Id must be the Id of an
175  element of pVec() or coPvec(), that reaches one of its bounds
176  with this update.
177  */
178  virtual SPxId selectEnter(R& val, int leaveIdx, bool polish = false) = 0;
180  /// sets Simplex type.
181  /** Informs pricer about (a change of) the loaded SoPlex's Type. In
182  the sequel, only the corresponding select methods may be called.
183  */
184  virtual void setType(typename SPxSolverBase<R>::Type)
185  {}
186  ///@}
188  //-------------------------------------
189  /**@name Construction / destruction */
190  ///@{
191  /// default constructor
192  explicit SPxRatioTester(const char* name)
193  : thesolver(0)
194  , m_name(name)
195  , m_type(SPxSolverBase<R>::LEAVE)
196  , delta(1e-6)
197  {}
198  /// copy constructor
200  : thesolver(old.thesolver)
201  , m_name(old.m_name)
202  , m_type(old.m_type)
203  , delta(
204  {}
205  /// assignment operator
207  {
208  if(this != &rhs)
209  {
210  m_name = rhs.m_name;
211  thesolver = rhs.thesolver;
212  m_type = rhs.m_type;
213  delta =;
214  }
216  return *this;
217  }
218  /// destructor.
219  virtual ~SPxRatioTester()
220  {
221  thesolver = nullptr;
222  m_name = nullptr;
223  }
224  /// clone function for polymorphism
225  virtual SPxRatioTester* clone() const = 0;
226  ///@}
228 };
231 } // namespace soplex
232 #endif // _SPXRATIOTESTER_H_
virtual SPxId selectEnter(R &val, int leaveIdx, bool polish=false)=0
selects variable Id to enter the basis.
virtual int selectLeave(R &val, R enterTest, bool polish=false)=0
selects index to leave the basis.
virtual void load(SPxSolverBase< R > *p_solver)
loads LP.
R delta
allowed bound violation
SPxRatioTester(const SPxRatioTester &old)
copy constructor
Sequential object-oriented SimPlex.SPxSolverBase is an LP solver class using the revised Simplex algo...
Definition: spxbasis.h:58
virtual R getDelta()
get allowed bound violation
virtual void setType(typename SPxSolverBase< R >::Type)
sets Simplex type.
Abstract ratio test base class.Class SPxRatioTester is the virtual base class for computing the ratio...
virtual SPxSolverBase< R > * solver() const
returns loaded LP solver.
virtual SPxRatioTester * clone() const =0
clone function for polymorphism
virtual void setTolerances(std::shared_ptr< Tolerances > newTolerances)
set the _tolerances member variable
Generic Ids for LP rows or columns.Both SPxColIds and SPxRowIds may be treated uniformly as SPxIds: ...
Definition: spxid.h:94
virtual ~SPxRatioTester()
virtual void setDelta(R newDelta)
set allowed bound violation
main LP solver class
const char * m_name
name of the ratio tester
SPxRatioTester & operator=(const SPxRatioTester &rhs)
assignment operator
SPxRatioTester(const char *name)
default constructor
virtual const char * getName() const
get name of ratio tester.
Debugging, floating point type and parameter definitions.
Everything should be within this namespace.
SPxSolverBase< R >::Type m_type
internal storage of type
std::shared_ptr< Tolerances > _tolerances
tolerances used by the solver
SPxSolverBase< R > * thesolver
the solver
virtual void clear()
unloads LP.
Algorithmic type.
Definition: spxsolver.h:144
const std::shared_ptr< Tolerances > tolerances() const
get the _tolerances member variable